Front End Tooling 2015

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Front End Tooling 2015 by Mind Map: Front End Tooling 2015

1. Languages

1.1. HTML (currently HTML5)

1.2. CSS (currently CSS3)

1.3. Javascript (currently ES6)

2. Preprocessors

2.1. HTML

2.1.1. HAML

2.1.2. Jade

2.1.3. Markdown

2.1.4. Slim

2.2. CSS

2.2.1. Sass

2.2.2. LESS

2.2.3. Stylus

2.3. Javascript

2.3.1. CoffeeScript

2.3.2. LiveScript

3. Code Editors

3.1. Notepad++

3.2. Textwrangler

3.3. Atom

3.4. Sublime Text

3.5. Visual Studio

4. Task Runners

4.1. Gulp

4.2. Grunt

4.3. NPM

4.4. Broccoli

5. Javascript Libraries and Frameworks

5.1. JQuery

5.2. Underscore

5.3. Backbone

5.4. React

5.5. AngularJS

5.6. Ember

5.7. Polymer

5.8. Knockout

6. Front End (HTML/CSS/Javascript) Frameworks

6.1. Bootstrap

6.2. Foundation

6.3. HTML5 Boilerplate

7. Resources


7.2. :)

8. Application Structure

8.1. Scaffolding Tools

8.1.1. Yeoman

8.1.2. Brunch

8.1.3. Loom

8.2. Managing Dependencies

8.2.1. Bower

8.2.2. WebPack

8.2.3. Browserify

8.2.4. NPM

9. Building The Application (code, test, build, deploy)

9.1. Full Build System

9.1.1. Grunt

9.1.2. Gulp

9.1.3. Broccoli