My Lesson Plans

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My Lesson Plans by Mind Map: My Lesson Plans

1. Podcast

1.1. Resources

1.1.1. People ICT help if there is an issue

1.1.2. Google Account

1.1.3. Computer Lab with Internet Access

1.1.4. Audacity

1.1.5. Microphone

1.1.6. Google

1.2. Lesson Strategies

1.2.1. Activate: At the Beginning of the class we will review the news through a class discussion. we will then look at our assignment. once we understand what we are supposed to be doing them we will review the use of audacity and assign groups.

1.2.2. Aqcuire After the Students are assigned to their groups and they understand what to do they can the begin their brainstorming and researching using their the internet. They will write a short script based on the template they have been given with their assignment.

1.2.3. Apply Students will then record their short news cast and share it with the class on the class website.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. English Language Arts Senior One GLO 3: Manage ideas and information. GLO 4: Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

1.3.2. ICT Cognitive Pr-3.1 designs and creates non-sequential ICT representations Pr-3.3 designs and creates simulations and models using ICT applications Affective Co-2.1 collaborates with peers to accomplish self-directed learning with ICT in various settings Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning

1.4. Notes

1.4.1. Teacher led discussion about news media

1.4.2. Understand current issues happening in Scoeity

1.4.3. Lesson Title: Current Issue news Cast.

1.5. Prerequisites

1.5.1. Students have previously learned how to use the Audacity Software.

1.5.2. Have previously looked at news clips.

1.6. Assessment

1.6.1. Teacher Created Rubric on the assignment (located on blog)

2. Collaborative Presentation

2.1. Resources

2.1.1. People ICT assistance if an issue

2.1.2. Google Account

2.1.3. Computer Lab with Internet Access

2.1.4. Google Slides

2.1.5. Materials: Pens, Paper, Binder, lesson instructions, Computers

2.2. Lesson Strategies

2.2.1. Activate We will begin by reviewing the Hero journey on the board as a class. the students will brainstorm what they remember and then share. Once we have completed this task, we will break off into groups and each group will be given the name of a hero. The groups will be given their assignment: create a hero journey outline and profile collaboratively on Google slides. These groups will begin brainstorming.

2.2.2. Acquire Students will read the plays as well as brainstorm the various hero. Students will being to assemble their presentation as a group.

2.2.3. Apply Students will then present their finding in a presentation form, explaining that hero and their journey.

2.3. Objectives

2.3.1. ICT Affective Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning Cognitive G-3.1 incorporates new information with prior knowledge and adjusts inquiry strategies Pr-3.2 self-assesses ICT representations to go beyond established criteria by enhancing meaning and/or artistry, according to topic, audience, purpose, and occasion

2.3.2. English Language Arts Senior one GLO 2; Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts.

2.4. Notes

2.4.1. To identify the process of hero journey in multiple texts. understand that this journey is one that happens in most hero stories,

2.4.2. Group brainstorming the hero journey as well.

2.4.3. Teacher led discussion of the hero journey.

2.4.4. Lesson Title: Heros Journey

2.5. Prerequisites

2.5.1. Students will have previously been working on a Media and Technology unit and will have learned how to make a collaborative document.

2.5.2. Students will have previously learned about what the Hero Journey looks like in other lessons.

2.6. Assesment

2.6.1. Teacher Generated Rubric outlining the required elements of the collaborative Document assignment. This is found on my blog.

3. Maps Lesson

3.1. Lesson Strategies

3.1.1. Activating 1. Students will begin with brainstorming in groups all the things a person travelling to Manitoba might need to know about the people.landscape and norms of the province.

3.1.2. Aquiring Students will receive their assignment instructions. They are to use google maps and create a map showing a newcomer how to get around to the various places of their new town. This will include the hospital, police station, fire station, grocery store and school. They will then log into google maps to create a map with these important places, as well as directions for the newcomer. They will save their map to a page on the classroom blog.

3.1.3. Applying Students will then Complete a short description of the map they have created, responding to how it would be helpful to someone new to Manitoba.

3.2. Resources

3.2.1. Materials, pens, paper, geography textbooks Internet connection.

3.2.2. People ICT help if there is an issue

3.2.3. Computer Lab with internet access

3.2.4. Google Account

3.3. Objectives

3.3.1. ICT Affective S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats and reference sources appropriately. Examples: maps, graphs, tables, concept maps... Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning Cognitive P-3.2 designs own electronic plans Pr-3.3 designs and creates simulations and models using ICT application

3.3.2. Geography S-100 Collaborate with others to achieve group goals and responsibilities. S-200 Select information from a variety of oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources, including primary and secondary S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats and reference sources appropriately

3.4. Notes

3.4.1. Maps in relation to the students own lives.

3.4.2. Detailing how a map is helpful to introduce people to a new place.

3.4.3. Students must understand that a map can allow people to be better oriented with a unfamiliar place.

3.4.4. Content

3.4.5. Teacher led discussion on the use of maps, creation of a map and student led discussion on what they found important in this.

3.4.6. Lesson Title: Visiting Manitoba

3.5. Prerequisites

3.5.1. The purpose of this lesson is an introduction to a unit on place and identity in a Geography grade 10 class.

3.5.2. Students Have previously learned how to Use Google as a class.

3.6. Examplor of Map:

3.6.1. This is an Example of the Map that the student will complete,


3.7. Assessment

3.7.1. Rubric based on the building of the map, are the the key information in the correct place?

4. VideoCasting

4.1. Resources

4.1.1. People ICT help if there is an issue

4.1.2. Computer Lab with Internet Connection

4.1.3. Google Account

4.1.4. Screencastify account and application

4.1.5. Materials: pens, Paper, Lesson Instructions, Computers

4.2. Lesson Strategies

4.2.1. Activate We will discuss the pros/cons of using Social media as a class. these will be written on the board.

4.2.2. Aqcuire Students will research and make a list of different social media websites. Students will also detail how these websites are beneficial.

4.2.3. Apply Students will create their screencastify using their skills from the previous lesson which was a tutorial on how to use the tool Once they have complete it, we will share their videos to the Classroom webpage and they will share in front of the class.

4.3. Objectives

4.3.1. ICT Continum Affective Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning Cognitive G-3.1 incorporates new information with prior knowledge and adjusts inquiry strategies Pr-3.3 designs and creates simulations and models using ICT applications

4.3.2. English Language Arts Senior One GLO 1 Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. GLO 2 Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts.

4.4. Notes

4.4.1. Social Media Instructions for someone who has never used social media.

4.4.2. Students should understand the convenience that Using social Media creates.

4.4.3. Teacher Led Discussion of Social Media at the beginning of the class. Group Brainstorming in their groups, thinking of social media as well as

4.4.4. Lesson Title: How to use Social Media

4.5. Prequisites

4.5.1. The Purpose of this lesson is for students in a Grade 10 ELA class to recognize the uses of social media, as well as practicing their ability to detail information step by step.

4.5.2. Students have previously learned to use the screencastify tool.

4.6. Assessment

4.6.1. Rubric detailing if the assignment has met all of the prerequisitcs