Lesson Planning

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Lesson Planning by Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Podcast Lesson Plan

1.1. Grade 9 Health Education unit 1 - Lesson 4/5 - Relaxation and Flexibility - how to relax your mind and improve your mental health while increasing your flexibility

1.2. Activate:

1.2.1. Ask the students questions in a class discussion. Time 5-10 min

1.2.2. Why is flexibilty important?

1.2.3. Why is it important we have or find de stress techniques? If we have too much stress what can happen? How does it impact our overall health?

1.3. Acquire:

1.3.1. Access podcast via blog

1.4. Apply:

1.4.1. LIsten and follow instructions on podcast

1.5. Closure:

1.5.1. Students will write a response (1 page) of how they felt before, during, and after listening and following the instructions on the podcast. What did you like? What didn't you like? Would you listen to these podcasts again?

1.6. GLO's

1.6.1. K.5.S2.A.2 Demonstrate knowledge of healthy lifestyle practices that contribute to disease/illness prevention, including mental illness/disorders

1.6.2. K.5.S2.B.3 Examine ways (e.g., fitness aids, improved equipment and facilities for training...) technology may enhance and support a physically active lifestyle.

1.6.3. K.1.S2.B.1 Examine the factors (e.g., personal, environmental, prior experiences...) that may have influenced own movement skill development.

1.6.4. K.2.S1.C.1c Identify types of strength exercises (i.e., isometric, dynamic) and stretching exercises (i.e., static, ballistic, passive) for personal fitness development (i.e., strength, endurance, range of motion).

1.6.5. K.2.S1.C.4 Identify the factors related to health and fitness development (e.g., health benefit, physical attributes, interpersonal interaction, influence of family, availability of facilities/equipment, competition, cooperation, personal success, time management...) that affect choices of physical activities for self and others.

1.6.6. S.2.S1.A.1a Participate in physical activities at a level that contributes to the goals of an individualized fitness plan.

1.6.7. S.2.S1.A.1b Participate in planned and selfdirected activities that maintain heart-rate levels in various zones (e.g., general health, basic fitness, healthy heart...).

1.6.8. K.4.S1.B.3a Examine how to manage anger (i.e., control own anger and respond to anger of others) in constructive ways (e.g., stay calm, use conflict-resolution process...) in different case scenarios.

1.7. ICT Learning Outcomes

1.7.1. P-1.1 recalls and/or records prior knowledge and asks topic-related questions

1.7.2. G-1.3 records data or makes notes on gathered information and ideas using given categories and given ICT

1.7.3. G-1.4 collects primary data using electronic devices

1.7.4. Pr-1.2 composes text, records sound, sketches images, graphs data, and/or creates video

1.7.5. Pr-2.2 revises electronic work to improve organization and clarity, enhance content and artistry, and meet audience needs, according to established criteria, feedback, and personal preferences

1.7.6. E-1.4 identifies possible health issues associated with using ICT

1.7.7. Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures

1.8. Blooms Taxonomy

1.8.1. Responding- The student actively participates in the learning process, not only attends to a stimulus; the student also reacts in some way.

1.8.2. Valuing -The student attaches a value to an object, phenomenon, or piece of information. The student associates a value or some values to the knowledge they acquired.

1.8.3. Organizing- The student can put together different values, information, and ideas and accommodate them within his/her own schema; comparing, relating and elaborating on what has been learned.

1.9. Objectives

1.9.1. To teach students how to use their auditory learning in a way to help them relax, de stress, and increase overall mood, all while working on their flexibility

1.10. Reasoning

1.10.1. To help students with their mental health. To give students an opportunity to learn how to relax when they need to with or without moving the body. They can listen to this in their own space just by sitting, or they can incorporate the stretches and movements to increase relaxation and overall flexibility.

1.11. Content

1.11.1. Lower body stretches with relaxing music in the background that helps relax the mind and the muscles.

1.11.2. Seated hamstring/calf stretch Groin stretch - heels together Leg together- hamstring stretch Glute stretch - one leg crossed over other, hugging knee up to chest Lying on back hip/glute stretch- bringing one knee up to chest Glute/hip stretch - lying on back one leg crossed over the other (knee at 90 deg) Lying on side quad stretch - bring heel to bum, thrusting hips forward, pulling knee back. Lying on stomach cobra stretch - abdomen stretch Childs pose - relaxation pose

1.12. Method of Instruction

1.12.1. Audio lesson

1.13. Method of Evaluation

1.13.1. Students will write a 1 page response on how they felt while completing the relaxation audio exercise, immediately after, as well as a few hours (or one day post) completing the exercises.

1.14. View podcast on my blog via this link. Podcast is at the top menu titles Podcast

2. Video Lesson Plan

2.1. Health Ed Lesson Unit 1 - Lesson 1/5 - Components of health

2.2. General Learning outcomes:

2.2.1. K.4S2.A.2b Evaluate how various internal and external factors may have an impact on the achievement of personal and or career goals

2.2.2. S.4.S1.A.1 Design, implement, and evaluate an action plan for making a decision based on personal values and beliefs related to physically active and healthy lifestyle practices (e.g., active living, good nutrition, no substance use, safety, etc)

2.3. ICT learning Outcomes

2.3.1. G-3.1 incorporates new information with prior knowledge and adjusts inquiry strategies

2.3.2. P-3.2 designs own electronic plans

2.3.3. P-1.1 recalls and/or records prior knowledge and asks topic-related questions

2.3.4. Pr-2.1 selects a suitable ICT application and/or device to create electronic work and explains the selection

2.3.5. Pr-3.1 designs and creates non-sequential ICT representations

2.3.6. Pr-1.2 composes text, records sound, sketches images, graphs data, and/or creates video

2.3.7. Pr-2.2 revises electronic work to improve organization and clarity, enhance content and artistry, and meet audience needs, according to established criteria, feedback, and personal preferences

2.3.8. Pr-3.2 self-assesses ICT representations to go beyond established criteria by enhancing meaning and/or artistry, according to topic, audience, purpose, and occasion

2.4. Activate:

2.4.1. What does health mean to you? Time: 5 minutes

2.4.2. In groups of 2-3 on a big sheet of paper or your devices, write down what you think health is and what Health means to you.

2.5. Acquire:

2.5.1. Group Discussion on Health Time: 10 min

2.5.2. Discuss what each group wrote on their papers Ask class what we need for optimal health ? clean air, h20, food, shelter

2.5.3. Notes: Health: The state of well-being in which all of the components of health are in balance. Wellness is broken down into 6 major categories. To be truly healthy; you must take care of all 6 components.

2.6. Apply:

2.6.1. 6 Components of Health Time: 5 min

2.6.2. Physical - body weight, muscle to fat ratio, movement of limbs Social - friends, social outings/teams Environmental - country, shelter, living environment - air, water - animals, farming Emotional - Fear, Love, Sadness Spiritual - religion, beliefs, values Intellectual/Mental - education, reading. As a class discuss some examples that could fit into each category.

2.6.3. Notes: As students to provide examples of each - Teacher can write them on the board. Discuss how we in Canada have control over most of these, but ask students if they know of anyone or who they think may not have control over these 6 components and why? 3rd world countries babies individuals with disabilities individuals who are involved in crime or unhealthy, illegal acts.

2.7. Closure:

2.7.1. Individual assignment Time: 5-10 min

2.7.2. Students write down their own components of health and what they feel they have control over and or feel they have taken good care of. What can they work on, or might not have no control over. Are your 6 components of health in balance? What do you need to focus more on, less on?

2.8. Modifications/Adaptations

2.8.1. Students can use devices if they want to type on them, rather than writing down on paper.

2.9. Link to Video - At the top of my blog you will see Health Ed Lesson Part 1 and 2

3. Final Paper

3.1. Review

3.2. Goals

3.3. Set context

4. Maps Lesson Plan

4.1. War Unit (SS/ELA)

4.1.1. From ICT Continuum Cognitive objective P-1.2 follows given plans View student friendly version P-2.2 adapts given electronic plans P-3.2 designs own electronic plans G-1.1 finds and collects information (text, images, data, audio, video) from given media sources G-2.1 refines information searches using a variety of media sources G-1.3 records data or makes notes on gathered information and ideas using given categories and given ICT G-2.3 categorizes information using the ICT suitable for the purpose G-1.4 collects primary data using electronic devices Pr-1.2 composes text, records sound, sketches images, graphs data, and/or creates video Affective Objective S-2.3 analyzes advantages and disadvantages of ICT use in society Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures M-1.3 recalls prior knowledge of procedures for troubleshooting and attempts to solve ICT problems M-1.1 demonstrates confidence and self-motivation while doing ICT tasks alone and with others

4.1.2. From Mb cirriculum GLO's Cluster SLO's KC-003 Recognize Remembrance Day as a commemoration of Canadian participation in world conflicts. KH-036 Identify the prime ministers of Canada from 1914 to 1945 and give examples of their achievements. KG-039 Identify major causes and events of the First World War. KG-040 Describe Canada’s involvement in the First World War and identify its impact on Canadian individuals and communities. Include: internment of ethnocultural groups. 6 KI-012 Identify contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples to Canada’s war efforts. KH-036 Identify the prime ministers of Canada from 1914 to 1945 and give examples of their achievements. KG-041 Identify major causes and events of the Second World War. KG-042 Describe Canada’s involvement in the Second World War and identify its impact on Canadian individuals and communities. Include: internment of ethnocultural groups; the Holocaust. VG-014 Appreciate the sacrifices that soldiers and other Canadians made during the World Wars. 6

4.1.3. From Blooms Taxonomy Understanding - Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating the main ideas Translation Interpretation Extrapolation. Applying - Using acquired knowledge. Solve problems in new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules. M-1.3 recalls prior knowledge of procedures for troubleshooting and attempts to solve ICT problems

4.1.4. Objectve: From your hand out provided, locate, color, and label (with key or with country name) all of the countries apart of the Axis Powers, Allies, and Neutral Countries. Make sure to color all Allies one color, all Axis another, and the Neutral colors a differnt color. Try to use 3 distinguishable colors

4.2. Prerequisites - Must know how to log on to their netbook, and access Google Chrome.

4.3. Notes

4.3.1. 1. Use the smartboard and log on to google maps. have students log into netboks and log on to google maps as well.

4.3.2. 2. Hand out map of the world as well as the WWII countries hand out that have the Allies, Axis and Neutral countries located into columns. See link and scroll down to map activity and print off or use online. http://www.secondworldwarni.org/primaryschools/docs/Unit%201%20Activity%20Pack.pdf

4.3.3. 3. Type in a common country off of the list such as Germany. Show the students how to locate it on Google Maps by zooming out and seeing the bigger picture. Explain to students to always try to remain zoomed out enough that you can see surrounding countries. Explain to them that they will have to try to match Germany off of Google maps with the map they have. Show them how to look for similarities in the map by pointing out shapes. Explain to the class that the paper map provided is a map from 1945 so it may not be the exact same and students may have to draw some extra lines on the map, or combine countries to create the countries that took part in WWII (such as Yogoslavia)

4.3.4. 4. Help them search for countries such as Yugoslavia. Demonstrate on the Smart Board and explain to them that it is not on the map. Ask the class questions such as : Why do you think we cannot find this country? - Students should reply with "because it is no longer a country today, as google maps is a live map of today"

4.3.5. 5. View the screen shot I have created as a visual exemplar.