The E-Myth Contractor

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The E-Myth Contractor by Mind Map: The E-Myth Contractor

1. Created by Dave Rothacker

1.1. Holmes !!!!!!

2. Customers

2.1. What your customer really wants

2.2. How to communicate effectively

2.3. How to get them to buy

2.4. How to keep them happy

2.5. Dealing with dissatisfaction

2.6. Who is the customer?

3. Growth

3.1. A business or a job?

3.2. Grow or die

4. Change

4.1. Future of our business

5. Time

6. Work

6.1. Strategic

6.2. Tactical

7. Taking Action

7.1. Create story about your business

7.2. Organize

7.3. Engage coworkers in process

8. Money

8.1. Income

8.2. Profit

8.2.1. Feeds & supports growth

8.2.2. Operating capital

8.2.3. ROI

8.3. Flow

8.3.1. Income statement

8.3.2. Money moves unexpectedly

8.3.3. Inside & outside money sources

8.4. Equity

8.4.1. Turnkey system

9. Working on the business

9.1. You as employee

9.2. Replace yourself

9.3. Manage the sytem

9.4. Repeat

10. Planning

10.1. Business plan

10.1.1. Who are we?

10.2. Job plan

10.2.1. What do we do?

10.3. Completion plan

10.3.1. How do we do it?

11. Management

11.1. Manager

12. People

13. Subcontractors

13.1. Development system

14. Estimating