Harry Potter: Book V.S Movie

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Harry Potter: Book V.S Movie por Mind Map: Harry Potter: Book V.S Movie

1. Deletions

1.1. In Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone, there were three different rooms to get to the sorcerers stone. But in the movie there were only two rooms.

1.2. In Harry Potter they play many quidditch games and a lot of them were cut from the movie

2. Structure

2.1. theyre were many dialogue changes through out the entire series. But some of the most important diaologue or quotes were put in the movie

3. Characters

3.1. The characters were mostly the same, but the actors who portrayed them weren't what the book was saying. In the book, harry potters mom has red hair and green eyes, which is very important with the story line. But in the movie she has red hair and brown eyes.

4. Relationships

4.1. The relationships were the same for both the movie and the book. They were both with the people who they were in the book, and they disliked the people that was said in the book