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Small Talk by Mind Map: Small Talk

1. Weather

1.1. Beautiful day, huh?

2. Travel

3. Work

4. Hobbies

5. Arts and Entertainment

6. Sports

7. News

8. Family

9. Gossip

10. Hometown

11. Money

12. Past relationships

13. Religion

14. Personal Jokes

15. Advice

16. Books

17. Cars and Driving

18. Change

19. Cities

20. Cooking

21. Eating Habits

22. Environmental Problems

23. Facts and Statistics

24. Fashion

25. Food

26. Free Time

27. Future

28. Health

29. Holidays

30. Homes

31. Languages

32. Learning English

33. Movies

33.1. What was the last film you saw?

33.2. What kind of films are you into?

34. Music

35. Restaurants

36. Seasons

37. Shopping

38. Sports

39. Stories

40. Technology

41. Television

42. The Internet

43. The Media

44. Tourism