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Introduction by Mind Map: Introduction

1. Welcome to 15.390X!

1.1. Learning Objectives - e.g, "Welcome to 15.390X! In this course we will learn...."

1.2. Video with Bill

1.3. Graphic of Man with Microphone

1.4. Discussion Forum - post your own learning objectives - what do you want to get out of course?

2. Overview of 15.390x

2.1. Principles of Entrepreneurship - introduces following concepts

2.2. Goal of Entrepreneurship

2.3. Entrepreneurship can be taught

2.4. Importance of Team Building

2.5. Action will set you Free

2.6. Discussion Forum - why is entrepreneurship important to you? Do you think any of these principles apply to your own life?

3. Survey

3.1. Page 1

3.1.1. Page 2 Page 3 Next Class: Group Projects!

4. 15.390x Learning Goals

4.1. Goal of 15.390X

4.2. Scope of 15.390X

4.3. Market Segmentation

4.3.1. PDF X-block: Case Examples and Further Reading from book

4.4. Selecting the Beachhead Market

4.4.1. Case Examples and Further Reading

4.5. Develop the End User Profile

4.5.1. Case Examples and Further Reading

4.6. Estimate TAM

4.6.1. Case Examples and further reading

4.7. Profile the Persona

4.7.1. Examples and further reading

4.8. X-block Group Project 2: With your partner, imagine a business you would want to start. What would the Market Segmentation, Beachhead Market, End User Profile, TAM, and Persona be for this project?

5. 6 Myths of Entrepreneurship

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Myth #1

5.3. Myth #2

5.4. Myth #3

5.5. Give an example of something that debunks that myth.

5.6. Myth #4

5.7. Myth #5

5.8. Myth #6

5.9. XBlock Google Drive - Forms Option - Fill in your name, email, social media, and area of entrepreneurial interest for the course (education, real estate, etc).

6. Short Quiz (Not Graded)

6.1. Quiz

6.1.1. A Little Quiz Drag and Drop XBlock - which of the folllowing is a (Market Segmentation, TAM, etc). Use real world exampels Video with Bill