IDEA's 14 Categories of Disabilities
by kc swink
1. Deafness
1.1. AT: Assistive equipment and technology
1.2. I/M: Accommodations for Students with Hearing Loss
1.3. I/M: Early Intervention
2. Emotional Disturbance
2.1. AT: Low-Tech, Mid-Tech, High-Tech
2.2. AT: Emotional Disturbance APPs
2.3. I/M: Interventions for Teachers
2.4. I/M: Emotional Behavioral Disorder: Accommodations and Modifications
2.5. I/M: Strategies
2.6. CS: Megan
3. Hearing Impairment
3.1. AT: Hearing Assistive Technology (HATS) for Children
3.2. I/M: The Necessity of Early Intervention in Hearing
3.3. I/M: Classroom Accommodations for Children with Minimal/Mild Hearing Loss
4. Intellectual Disability
4.1. AT: Using iPads with Students with Intellectual Disabilities
4.2. AT: Home Living, Communal Living, & Lifelong Learning
4.3. I/M: Effective Teaching Methods For People With Intellectual Disabilities
4.4. I/M: Early Intervention
5. Multiple Disabilities
5.1. AT: Technology for Students with Multiple Disabilities
5.2. I/M: Academic Accommodations for Students with Learning Disabilities
5.3. I/M: Instructional Strategies for Students with Multiple Disabilities
6. Specific Learning Disability
6.1. AT: Assistive Technology Solutions for Dyslexia
6.2. I/M: Accommodating Students with Dyslexia in All Classroom Settings
6.3. I/M: Strategies for Teachers
6.4. CS: Ellie
7. Traumatic Brain Injury
7.1. AT: 10 Devices for Memory Loss
7.2. I/M: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Students with Traumatic Brain Injury / Acquired Brain Impairment
8. CS: Case Study
9. Other Health Impairment
9.1. AT: Assistive Technology and Educational Best Practices for Students with ADHD
9.2. AT: Assistive Technology for ADHD
9.3. I/M: Suggested Classroom Interventions for Children with ADD & Learning Disabilities
9.4. I/M: Behavioral Intervention Techniques for Children with ADHD
9.5. CS: Dmitrov
10. Autism
10.1. AT: Technology and Autism: What’s Available and What Works
10.2. I/M: Types of interventions for children with ASD
10.3. I/M: 23 Ways to Accommodate Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome in the Classroom
11. Deaf-Blindness
11.1. AT: Tools for Independence
11.2. I/M: 10 Issues to Always Consider When Intervening for Students with Deafblindness
11.3. I/M: Tactile Learning Strategies for Children who are Deaf-Blind: Concerns and Considerations from Project SALUTE
12. Developmental Delay
12.1. Destinations
12.2. AT: Assistive Technology and Early Start
12.3. I/M: What is developmental delay and what services are available if I think my child might be delayed?
12.4. I/M: Developmental Delays in the Classroom
13. Orthopedic Impairment
13.1. AT: What the Law Says
13.2. I/M: Interventions, Accomodations, Differentiations, and Links
13.3. I/M: Characteristics, Accommodations, Strategies
14. Speech or Language Impairment
14.1. AT: VOCAs (Voice Output Communication Aids)
14.2. AT: AACs (Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices)
14.3. I/M: Adjustments for students with a speech-language impairment
14.4. I/M: Classroom Accommodations/Modifications
15. Visual Impairment, Including Blindness
15.1. AT: Products
15.2. AT: Assistive Technology
15.3. I/M: Family Connect Website: Early Intervention Services for Children
15.4. I/M: Accommodations and Modifications for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
16. AT = Assistive Technology
17. I/M: Intervention/Modification