Clerk's Annual Report to the PM on the Public Service of Canada

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Clerk's Annual Report to the PM on the Public Service of Canada von Mind Map: Clerk's Annual Report to the PM on the Public Service of Canada

1. Required under the PSEA

2. Outlines major PS achievements

2.1. Crisis response

2.2. Border services

2.3. Innovation hubs and labs

2.4. Broadband Access

2.5. BluePrint 2020

2.6. Open Government

3. Articulates key challenges

3.1. Pace of change #WeAreAgile #WeAreInnovative

3.2. Hyperconnectivity and complexity #WeAreCollaborative

3.3. Performance Management #WeAreHighPerforming

4. Sets priorities for the leadership and management of the PS

4.1. Recruitment

4.1.1. New grads

4.1.2. Mid-career execs

4.1.3. Permeability

4.2. Mental Health

4.2.1. Prevent harm

4.2.2. Promote health and resilience

4.3. Policy Development

4.3.1. Competencies

4.3.2. Innovation

4.3.3. Enabling conditions

4.3.4. Measurement

4.3.5. Leadership

5. Clerk of the Privy Council (Janice Charette)

5.1. Most senior non-political GoC official

5.2. Secretary to the Cabinet

5.3. Deputy Head to the Prime Minister

5.4. Head of the Public Service

6. Why should I care?

6.1. Management more likely to listen to new ideas

6.2. We're a long way from retirement

6.3. Mental health is important!

6.4. Better understand senior management

6.5. Better understand GoC operating environment

6.6. So much to learn!

6.7. Design your dream job?