Disabilities under IDEA

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Disabilities under IDEA por Mind Map: Disabilities under IDEA

1. Developmental Delay

1.1. Intervention/Modifications

1.2. Assistive Technology

2. Emotional Disturbance

2.1. Intervention/Modifications

2.2. Assistive Technology

2.3. Categories of Emotional Disturbances

2.3.1. Anxiety Disorder

2.3.2. Eating Disorder

2.3.3. Bipolar Disorder

2.3.4. Conduct Disorder

2.3.5. OCD

2.3.6. Psychotic Disorder

3. Intellectual Disability

3.1. Causes of an ID

3.1.1. Genetic Conditions

3.1.2. Health Issues

3.1.3. Problems During Pregancy

3.1.4. Problems at birth

3.2. Intervention/Modifications

3.2.1. Individual Family Services Plan

3.2.2. Inclusion

3.2.3. Adaptive Skills

3.2.4. Transition Planning

3.3. Case Study

4. Multiple Disabilities

4.1. Intervention

4.2. Case Study

4.3. Causes of Multiple Disabilities

4.3.1. Chromosomal Abnormalities

4.3.2. Premature Birth

4.3.3. Difficulties After Birth

4.3.4. Poor Development of Brain or Spinal Cord

4.3.5. Infections

4.3.6. Genetic Disorders

4.3.7. Injury From Accidents

5. Orthopedic Impairment

5.1. Intervention and Modifications

5.2. Assistive Technology

6. Other Health Impairment

6.1. Types of Health Impairments

6.1.1. Rheumatic Fever

6.1.2. ADD/ADHD

6.1.3. Nephritis

6.1.4. Leukemia

6.1.5. Diabetes

6.1.6. Heart Conditions

6.1.7. Epilepsy

6.1.8. Hemophelia

6.1.9. Lead Poisoning

6.1.10. Sickle Cell Anemia

6.1.11. Tourette Syndrome

6.2. Intervention and Modifications

6.2.1. Classroom Strategies

6.3. Assistive Teachnology

6.4. Case Study

7. Speech or language impairment

7.1. Types of Speech and Language Disorders

7.1.1. Articulation

7.1.2. Voice

7.1.3. Language

7.1.4. Fluency

7.2. Intervention and Modifications

7.2.1. Hearing Impairments

7.2.2. Speech and Language Coaches

7.3. Assistive Technology

7.3.1. Electronic Communication Devices

8. Autism

8.1. Assistive Technologies

8.1.1. LAMP: Language Acquisition through Motor Planning

8.1.2. Picture Exchange Communication

8.2. Case Studies

8.3. Autism Spectrum Disorders

8.3.1. Pervasive Development Disorder

8.3.2. Rett Syndrome

8.3.3. Autism

8.3.4. Asperger Syndrome

8.3.5. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

8.4. Intervention and Modifications

9. Deaf-Blindness

9.1. Interventions and Modifications

9.1.1. Deaf-Blind Manual Alphabet

9.1.2. Mutual Tactile Attention

10. Deafness

10.1. Intervention and Modifications

10.1.1. ASL

10.2. Assistive Technology

10.3. Types of Hearing Loss

10.3.1. Conductive Hearing Loss

10.3.2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss

10.3.3. Mixed Hearing Loss

10.3.4. Central Hearing Loss

11. Hearing Impairment

12. Specific Learning disability

12.1. Interventions and Modifications

12.1.1. Testing

12.1.2. Small Group Learning

12.2. Types of Learning Disabilities

12.2.1. Dyslexia

12.2.2. Dysgraphia

12.2.3. Dyscalcula

12.3. Assistive Technology

12.3.1. Virtual Worlds Real Lives

12.3.2. iPad Reading Assistance

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. Intervention/Modications

13.2. Signs of traumatic brain injury

13.2.1. Physical Disabilities

13.2.2. Difficulties with thinking

13.2.3. Social/Behavioral/Emotional Projlems

14. Visual Impairment

14.1. Interventions and Modifications

14.1.1. Sensory Learning

14.1.2. Classroom Adaptations

14.2. Assitive Technology

14.3. Types of Visual Impairment

14.3.1. Strabismus

14.3.2. Congenital Cataracts

14.3.3. Retinopathy

14.3.4. Retinus Pigmentosa

14.3.5. Colonboma

14.3.6. Retina Nerve Hypoplasia

14.3.7. Cortical Visual Impairment