Copy of THE Journal (2013 - 2015)

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Copy of THE Journal (2013 - 2015) by Mind Map: Copy of THE Journal (2013 - 2015)

1. Common Core Standards

1.1. 2013

1.1.1. Common Core Technological Standards: They They are the Tail, Not the Dog 1/14/13 Test makers are increasingly out of touch with students who use mobile devices for everything, including learning. Consortias need to be looking at what K-12 students are using for technology today and tomorrow and design test that meet this technology. It’s predicted that 4 years from now (2017) every child will have a SUPER phone [5] with infinite computing power supplied by the cloud. Will the testing be ready?

1.1.2. Learning.Com Launches Project-Based Online Curriculum 6/26/13 releases a new project-based learning curriculm designed to support Common Core Standards. More educators are turning to project-based learning , while at the same time building 21st century skills. projects begin with pre-tests to assess students’ technology skills and post-test sections where students reflect on their progress.

1.2. 2014

1.2.1. Khan Academy Unveils New Math Resources for Common Core 3/24/14 CUE 2014 conference had a sneak peek at Khan Academy's new math learning materials designed to support Common Core Standards. Students move through the Khan Academy program at their own pace, completing “missions” along the way. Khan Academy offers a number of resources designed to help educators get ready for Common Core Standards

1.2.2. How Google Apps for Education Can Help Implement Common Core Standards 9/4/14 Integrating google drive and Common Core Standards Google Drive components help teachers to collaborate lesson plans that focus on universal Common Core Standards Entire districts utilize google apps, such as google hangouts, to collaborate between schools.

1.3. 2015

1.3.1. 5 Tech Tools to Help Prepare for Common Assessments 7/16/15 Lightning Grader-an innovative online assessment program that provides students access to instant, standard based feedback. Computer based simulation programs and manipulatives need to change depending on grade level so students progress through higher-level concepts to meet Common Core Standards. INFOHIO contains webinars with links that address Common Core Standards.

1.3.2. Innovator: Bringing Blended Learning to Common Core 10/15/15 Development of a web-based individual common core math and science programs to enable students the chance to workout at their own pace in a blended learning environment. School-wide WiFi enables common core standards to be embedded in blended learning through Learnzillion and YouTube videos. Three step process to integrate technology into the classroom: student progress ownership, release control to students, and technology use.

2. Blended and Flipped Learning

2.1. 2013

2.1.1. Report: The 4 Pillars of the Flipped Classroom (June 18, 2013) David Nagel Flexible environments: Teachers must expect that class time will be "somewhat chaotic and noisy" and that timelines and expectations for learning assessments will have to be flexible as well. Culture shift: The classroom becomes student-centered. According to the guide: "Students move from being the product of teaching to the center of learning, where they are actively involved in knowledge formation through opportunities to participate in and evaluate their learning in a manner that is personally meaningful." Intentional content: Teachers are required to evaluate what they need to teach directly so that classroom time can be used for other methods of teaching Professional educators: The instructional videos used for flipped classrooms cannot replace trained, professional teachers.

2.1.2. Beyond the Basics of the Flipped Classroom (November 12, 2013) Making Your Own Videos: "If you're not the teacher in front of students doing the video, they have less interest." Choose your route for creating videos: high end or low end. The inexpensive route relies on readily available equipment as well as free or low-cost online software and apps: Camtasia Jing, Format Factory, Miro Video Converter, YouTube, Microsoft Movie Maker, CamStudio, iMovie, Explain Everything. Create Storyboards: Sketch the layout of what the video will consist of, what kinds of screenshots will be needed, and angles to be used before beginning. To ensure accessibility, use TeacherTube or SchoolTube as alternatives when districts restrict the use of YouTube. Also, allow students to access the videos on classroom computers before or after school or put recordings on flash drives and DVDs for students who have computers at home but no Internet access. "Don't try to flip your entire curriculum. Flip one lesson or one unit." And put some energy into the production values in order to "future-proof."

2.2. 2014

2.2.1. Blending Face-to-Face and Flipping (September 3, 2014) The face/flip, which is a blended approach that gives teachers more flexibility in using screencasts as a supplemental resource in their face-to-face classroom. Using screencasting in the classroom has many advantages for both the teacher and the student. Teachers can publish their own screencasts online for digital storytelling, describe a step-by-step process in a tutorial, explain a particular concept or present a lesson using a PowerPoint presentation with narration and other multimedia elements such as video, sound effects and music. The face/flip model is an alternative to the flipped model, in that it retains real-time lectures, uses screencasts as supplemental resources, and incorporates class activities by flipping the classroom when needed.

2.2.2. Hybrid Classes Outlearn Traditional Classes (December 18, 2014) According to the 2013-2014 "Hybrid Learning Program Results," from Hybrid Learning Institute and Dellicker Strategies, more than nine out of 10 schools using a hybrid learning program reported higher academic performance on standardized tests compared to traditional classrooms in the same school district or state benchmarks. The hybrid learning model combines direct teacher instruction, group activities and self-instruction through digital content and has six "defining characteristics": The use of a blended classroom system; Students rotate among different learning stations; Instruction is delivered in small groups; Students take frequent digital assessments; Educators use student information to differentiate instruction; and The personalized learning is considered "cost-effective."

2.3. 2015

2.3.1. Designing a Blended Learning Program (January 28, 2015) Simply implementing blended learning or following the "best practices" in doing so will not guarantee great results for students. The first step in that design process is to pick a goal to achieve. The problem or goal must not be about technology — such as trying to solve a "lack of devices" — and lead to a deployment of technology for technology's sake. Schools must match the right type of team and the right people to the scope of the problem. Some of the important questions that schools should ask when selecting content and software are should we build our own? Should we use one or multiple outside providers? Or should we adopt a facilitated-network solution — a platform that integrates modular content from a variety of sources?

2.3.2. Research: Active Learning More Important than Flipping the Classroom Active learning produces the same student learning outcomes in both flipped and nonflipped classrooms, according to new research from Brigham Young University (BYU). The researchers concluded that the flipped classroom doesn't produce higher student learning outcomes than a nonflipped classroom when both use an active learning approach. Whether instructors flip their classrooms or not, the key to improving learning outcomes is to involve students actively in the learning process, constructing their own knowledge rather than just passively listening to lectures.

3. AV & Presentation

3.1. 2013

3.1.1. “ActivTables Help Middle Schoolers Collaborate” (January 22, 2013) A large iPad Up to six students can interact on a project Lessons are customized according to the curriculum.

3.1.2. “iOS App Puts Teachers in Control of Videoconferencing Systems” (June 17, 2013) Avizia Educator A new tool specifically for teachers that's designed to give them improved control over videoconferencing technologies in their classrooms. Features of Avizia Educator include:

3.2. 2014

3.2.1. “10 Tech Skills Every Educator Should Have” (January 22, 2014) Searching the Web Efficiently Jule Barta, a curriculum development manager in Redlands, CA, added, "Many teachers do not know how to do effective searches. If they are taught how to search the Web more efficiently, it will help them expand their knowledge and be able to teach the students the same skill." Mastering Microsoft Office and Basic Word Processing "Effective use of the word processor, presentation software and spreadsheets," said Santiago, "are essential for class management and material production." Being Willing to Learn New Technology Jamie Back, a math teacher at Cincinnati Country Day School , suggested that educators "develop a grit/growth mindset. Be willing to try new things, persevere through issues that come up, and keep focusing on a goal of using technology in a way that increases student understanding of the material. Connecting with Social Media As Jane Matthews, library media specialist at Franklin Community High School in Indiana explained it, "Social media expands communication between all constituents — community members, students, teachers and administration. We are able to showcase what we do and why. We can build relationships and share the workload." Sharing and Collaborating via YouTube and Blogging "Humans are visual beings," said Kristy Vincent, the director of visual learning at Hardin Independent School District in Texas. "Educators must know how to create video to share processes, products and accomplishments." Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Devices Linda, a teacher and tech coordinator at a private school, added, "Many teachers are afraid of what might happen when they put [mobile] computers in kids' hands," but, "If they develop procedures and routines for computer use and stick to them with consequences for students who abuse, the kids are able to reap the learning benefits of the technology." Reaching Out with E-Mail "E-mail really is essential," said Barb Podkowka, a teacher and director of professional development at Virginia Beach Friends School. "This is the best way to communicate about students to families, regardless of your time or place. Organization and filing is important. The less time you spend looking for things the more productive you are. Organizing/filing documents and other information into readily accessible folders is crucial." Making Your Point with Presentation Software Lake Washington's Snyder said, "Presentation technology allows us to create an environment that can't be brought into the classroom. Presentation tools help that happen, be it a PowerPoint that motivates, or a first-hand account captured on video." Googling It "Google Apps are important, since they allow a teacher to work Smarter, not harder. You can design your own quizzes, collect information on a form, design a presentation, get your e-mail or type up a document that can be published on the Web. Foremost, this tool can be used for teacher/student collaboration. I could not live without my Google apps." Getting Ahead in the Cloud Joplin's Southard said, "Google is important because you can access your work from any computer, anywhere."

3.2.2. “4 Top-Rated Interactive Whiteboard Apps for Flipped Classrooms” (August 2014) Scoodle Jam An engaging creation tool that lets students work creatively together (or solo) on any subject The built-in Common Core-aligned projects, graphic organizer templates, whiteboard and guided sticker visuals supports open collaboration, imagination, critical thinking and communication. Doceri Interactive Whiteboard Teachers and students can create limitless presentations Allows users to add a variety of backgrounds and multiple recordings within a single presentation. Uses iPads to connect to desktops and remotely control projections Educreations Interactive Whiteboard Creates multimedia presentations Can use prerecorded audio, images, photos and fun colors help highlight points. Teachers can invite students to lessons via a link in an e-mail, on a blog post, a tweet or a post on Facebook Shared work can be viewed publicly. Show Me Interactive Whiteboard ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard allows teachers and students (of any age, even under 13) to create and record audiovisual presentations called "ShowMes" Teachers and students can use text, images, live drawings and voiceover recordings to create their ShowMe presentations.

3.3. 2015

3.3.1. “Mimio Updates its Classroom Collaboration Software and App” (January 14, 2015) MimioStudio is now fully compatible with the MimioMobile 3 app Allows each student to use new MimioPad wireless pen tablets and mobile devices equipped with the MimioMobile application to control his or her own MimioStudio Notebook page to build on interactive activities and lessons already created by the teacher. With MimioStudio’s expanded Collaborate feature, teachers can have a single student, group or the entire class work on the same activity

3.3.2. “6 IT Solutions BYOD Challenges” (October 22, 2015) Controlling and Monitoring Network Access Schools adopting BYOD policies need an easy way for students to log onto the network with their personal devices and receive appropriate access without compromising security. Using Device-Agnostic Software With tools such as Google Apps for Education, students and teachers can access the same files as long as they are using a device with a Web browser. Many teachers are using Socrative, which is available as a browser-based application as well as a native app for iOS, Android, Windows and Kindle devices. Sharing Screens for Presentations Have students upload their work to Google Drive and then present it from their own device. Trying out a wireless presentation and collaboration system called NovoConnect Providing plenty of bandwidth The more devices schools allow on their networks, the more bandwidth they'll need — and they should be prepared for a large spike in use. Communicating with parents Hold open house nights to discuss your BYOD plans and using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to set well-defined expectations and clear up any misunderstandings. Offering recharging stations The batteries in students' devices might not stay charged for the entire school day, so schools should do their best to provide charging options.

4. Professional Development

4.1. 2013

4.1.1. Learning Forward Promotes Common Core Professional Development Focus 01/22/13 Non-profit focused on professional development of educators is turning its attention to the development of training resources specific to the Common Core State Standards Setting up a system of resources for use by state education organizations and school systems as they implement the new standards and assessments

4.1.2. Sally Ride Science Academy Debuts Online STEM Professional Development Program 8/15/13 The more convenient and affordable online format will provide elementary teachers of grades 3-8 and school counselors with online STEM training The online training program includes real-time tools that allow users to interact with the instructor, as well as collaborate with peers

4.2. 2014

4.2.1. Teachers Get Free Online Common Core PD To Reach Struggling and Special Ed Students 01/21/14 Boost the efforts of teachers, professional development coordinators and administrators in helping struggling students, especially those with disabilities Meet the Common Core State standards in reading, writing and math.

4.2.2. Flipped Learning Network Adds Online Program to Annual Conference 05/15/14 Online program includes details such as session descriptions, speaker biographies, event-specific hashtags and more Participants can attend the conference in-person or virtual

4.3. 2015

4.3.1. Better Lesson Launches Video Series of Blended Learning in Action 03/05/15 Organization supporting the implementation of high-quality blended learning in school districts across the U.S. BetterLesson identified 11 Master Teachers from across the country who were using blended learning in their classrooms

4.3.2. The Learning Accelerator Releases Online PD Modules for Blended Learning 8/12/1 Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping K-12 educators embrace blended learning •Includes videos, readings, strategies and discussion forums for sharing ideas with peers.