NOAA FY 2016 SBIR Phase I Topics

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NOAA FY 2016 SBIR Phase I Topics by Mind Map: NOAA FY 2016  SBIR Phase I Topics

1. 8.1 Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies (p54)

1.1. Developing Technologies for Offshore Aquaculture in The United States

1.2. Orthogonal Stereo Camera System for Visual Fish Surveys

1.3. Improving Outcomes of Marine Aquaculture via Genomic Approaches

2. 8.2 Healthy Oceans (p60)

2.1. Affordable, lightweight,wireless-control ROV for sustained observation of

2.2. Laser-Based Analyzer for Methane, Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Measurements

2.3. Innovative Multi-Platform Sensor for Marine Debris and Object Detection and

2.4. Lionfish Control

2.5. Autonomous direct measure of carbonate ion in saline waters

2.6. Sensor System for Measuring Oxygen Demands in Natural Waters

3. 8.3 Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (p72)

3.1. Ultra-High Precision Measurements of Atmospheric Methane Stable Isotope Rations

3.2. High Stability Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Analyzer

3.3. Ship mounted remote profiling of oceanographic properties

3.4. Airborne instrumentation (p73)

3.5. Miniaturized CO detector for airborne use on small UAVs

4. 8.4 Weather-Ready Nation (p78)

4.1. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Applications Supporting the NWS Mission

4.2. Satellite Environment Space Weather Products

4.3. Satellite ground station network for real-time space weather data

4.4. L-Band Radio Frequency Interference Filtering (p82)

5. 8.5 SBIR Tech Transfer (SBIR-TT)

5.1. NOy Cavity Right-Down Instrument

5.2. Smart Module for Communications Processing and Interface (p86)

5.3. Ocean Surface Waves in Near Realtime from a Moored Buoy (p88)

6. Small Business Innovation Research Open: Oct 20, 2015 Deadline: Jan 14, 2016

7. 2015