1. Mike Vanderheyden - Broker Ideas
1.1. 2 key focus points
1.1.1. 1. Agent mobility
1.1.2. 2. Lead generation
2. IsNowListed.com
2.1. Take HUD Homes - syndicate to top video sites
2.2. Broker is generating 140 leads per day
2.2.1. Funnel leads to a 30 person mortgage company
2.2.2. Scrub the leads - pass good leads on to agents for a referral fee
3. Outsourced graphic designer
3.1. Find one on www.odesk.com
3.2. Give as resource for agents to use
3.3. Let agents pay for designer, you don't manage any of it, just make the connection
4. At closing charge agents $100 (or more) for you to stay in touch with the past clients, over 5 years. Every month send a postcard, 60 postcards over 5 years, cost less than $60 to get printed and sent.
5. Notes Provided by http://www.Zannee.com
6. Mortage Company
6.1. More profitable when busy
6.2. Yet always profitable
7. Title Company
7.1. More consistent profit
7.2. Get business from in house agents
7.3. Gets business from outside lenders as well
7.4. Girls working in the company have a great relationship with outside companies and lenders
7.4.1. Before we started mortgage company, girls had relationships with outside mortgage companies
7.5. 70% of revenue generated by the office
7.6. 30% of revenue generated by the outside agents
8. Increasing the value of an agent
8.1. What services can you help agents with to do a better job and build a successful business? Do it for them and charge.
8.2. Add a title company
8.3. Add a mortgage company
9. Enhanced Listing Program from Realtor.com
9.1. Buy in bulk
9.2. Charge a higher price to agent
9.3. Price still cheaper for an agent, agent wins
9.4. Broker wins
9.5. All agents participate
10. Short Sale Commander
10.1. Company buys a group discount
10.2. Agent pays double what you pay
10.3. But agent still pays 50% less than if they bought on their own
10.4. Rolling it out to agents softly
10.4.1. 53% said no
10.4.2. 47% said yes
10.4.3. Moved forward with the 47%
10.4.4. Meet one time per month, asked agents if interested at the meeting, and got feedback
11. Leasing office space
11.1. Title company
11.2. Mortgage company
11.3. Home inspection service
11.4. Appraisal services
11.5. Homeowners insurance co
12. Biggest Expenses
12.1. Office space - large square foot offices
12.1.1. Consider making your occupied space smaller, and leasing out empty space to outside complimentary companies
12.2. Staff and payroll
12.2.1. Instead of staffing every office location - make a central processing location, decrease overhead tremendously
12.3. Invoicing the agents for monthly - getting paid
12.3.1. Use Freshbooks.com to invoice the agents Integrates with Google Checkout Get monthly invoices via email See who's deliquent Who's behind Setup automatic late payment fees Setup reminder emails Alternative to freshbooks - Chargify.com
13. Proprietary Training Software System
13.1. Creating a video vault that teaches agents anything from...
13.1.1. Creating a squeeze page
13.1.2. Creating a facebook page
13.1.3. Basically anything that helps the agents generate leads
13.2. Hiring outsources to do this stuff for the agents, charge the agents
13.3. Charge agents for the training so that they value and use it
14. Lead Generation
14.1. Websites
14.1.1. Having lender offset the expense of paying for those leads
14.1.2. Have lender scrub the leads instead of paying someone to do it