Gather Feedback About Happiness and Systemic Impediments

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Gather Feedback About Happiness and Systemic Impediments por Mind Map: Gather Feedback About Happiness and Systemic Impediments

1. Ideas

1.1. Let's start with real life formats instead of surveys

1.1.1. Retrospectives

1.1.2. World coffee

1.1.3. Fisbowls

1.2. We want to have answers that really improve the system

1.2.1. Need to explain intention of operational model upfront

1.2.2. Ask the right questions What hinders you from working effectively? What hinders you from working efficiently? Where do you perceive a gap between our values and actions?

1.2.3. We need to set clear expectations with this format What is our intent? How do we expect people to use it? i.e. not simply ranting, but generating ideas for improvement What can they expect from us managers? We value all feedback We still need to focus on few topics for change We prioritize together We adapt on the format too

1.3. We could do them team or segment wise

1.3.1. Using the same format and asking the same question

1.3.2. So we get something to aggregate

1.4. Management has to take ownership of raised topics

1.4.1. Timely communication

1.4.2. Real change

1.4.3. Stil employees should be encouraged to work and drive change topics too


2. Questions

2.1. Only IT or whole company?

2.2. Plain Happiness Index still interesting?

3. Proposal

3.1. We do large scale retro the Spotify way

3.2. We form a group of retro facilitators

3.2.1. Not more than 5 people

3.2.2. Facilitators prepare the retro together

3.2.3. Facilitators design questions about the operational model

3.3. We cut slices to have 10 people per retro

3.3.1. 15 retros

3.3.2. All done in two weeks time

3.3.3. We discuss the same questions and collect feedback ot the same topics

3.4. Facilitators aggregate afterwards

3.5. Facilitators present to segments

3.6. Facilitators present to IT management

4. Goals

4.1. Improve the operational model

4.1.1. Effectiveness Get better in doing the right things Raise business competence Get more data driven Institutionalize innovations

4.1.2. Efficiency Do then things right Be fast Be cost efficient Avoid friction Mitigate risks

4.1.3. Make us more competitive We learn faster as an organization Use the systemic intelligence of the crowd

4.2. Improve our trust and learning culture

4.2.1. Energize people

4.2.2. Give them a voice

4.2.3. Show them the company cares for them

5. Constraints

5.1. Should be regular

5.2. People should like the format

5.3. Full transparency

6. Risks

6.1. Happiness Index failed to reach its goals

6.2. Perception: Yet another feedback tool

6.3. Distinction between local and global problems is difficult

6.3.1. Hard to find clusters

6.3.2. Hard to find actionable feedback