After School Program

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After School Program por Mind Map: After School Program

1. What is unorganized

1.1. The structure

1.2. Not synchronized

1.3. The staff

1.4. Materials

1.4.1. Need new items

2. Making the unorganized, organized

2.1. Addressing the needs

2.2. Creating a structure, with some flexibilty

2.2.1. Giving them choices

2.3. Plan a variety of activities

3. Creating a schedule

3.1. Making sure it accommodates everyone

3.1.1. Approval from the supervisor

3.2. Testing out the schedule

3.2.1. Making sure it flows

3.2.2. Refiguring schedule if needed

4. Final Project

4.1. Choosing an option

4.1.1. Not sure if this falls under option 1 or 2 for the final project