Classroom Technologies 2010/11 - Project Outputs

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Classroom Technologies 2010/11 - Project Outputs by Mind Map: Classroom Technologies 2010/11 - Project Outputs

1. Infrastructure [Phase 1]

1.1. New Project blog


1.1.2. Combine existing blogs, remove existing blogs (ARS, SMS)

1.2. Establish suitable area of the LT FAQs database

1.3. Combined Service Catalogue

2. Opus articles

2.1. Live streaming of Lectures: The impact on the student learning experience [based in Mechanical Engineering]

2.1.1. by January 2011

2.2. Research question from project aims

2.2.1. by May 2011

3. Departmental Project(s)

3.1. (aim for) 1 specific project around the area of evaluating the impact on the learning experience

3.2. April 2011 - Present findings at regional e-learning conference - Plymouth

4. Internal Dissemination

4.1. October 2010 - Present at DoS Taught Forum

4.2. News items for LTEO web site

4.2.1. September 2010 - Key findings from SPS work [OPuS article]

4.2.2. October 2010 - New Project Focus

4.2.3. November 2010 - Report on the ESTICT event

4.2.4. December 2010 - "The first semester..." digest. Link to a case study

4.2.5. January 2011- Link to an article review on Classroom Technologies blog

4.2.6. February 2011 - TBC

4.2.7. March 2011 -TBC

4.2.8. April 2011 - TBC

4.2.9. May 2011 - TBC

4.2.10. June 2011 - TBC

4.3. An episode on the e-Learning Podcast

4.4. Classroom Technologies Blog


4.5. Annual Report on progress of Classroom Technologies - meeting project aims

4.5.1. September 2011

5. Case Studies

5.1. 1 by end of October 2010

5.2. 1 by end of December 2010

5.3. 1 by end of March 2011

5.4. 1 by end of June 2011

6. How To Guides

6.1. 1 by end of October 2010

6.1.1. Using TurningPoint Live Registration

6.1.2. Using Panopto to capture your lecture (OER)

6.2. 1 by end of December 2010

6.3. 1 by end of March 2011

6.4. 1 by end of June 2011

7. Staff Development

7.1. Workshops

7.1.1. Technologies to enhance Face to Face teaching [run 2 over each staff development period]

7.1.2. TurningPoint 2008 Masterclass

7.2. Seminars

7.2.1. run 2 over each staff development period

7.3. Events

7.3.1. ESTICT Event at Bath - November 2010

8. What is happening at other UK HEIs?

8.1. ESTICT events

8.1.1. Bath [November 2010]

8.1.2. Durham/Newcastle [March 2011]

9. Support Resources

9.1. Learning Technologies FAQ database


9.1.2. at least 15 Panopto related by October 2010

9.2. TurningPoint hardware/software overview PDF/blog post (+ FAQs)

9.2.1. TurningPoint 2008 Live Registration

9.2.2. TurningPoint Anywhere

9.2.3. TurningPoint ResponseCard

9.2.4. Results Manager

9.2.5. Moodle Integration (TBC)

9.2.6. ResponseWare Web

9.3. Accessibility

9.3.1. Advice: Using ARS in an Accessible Way

10. Support third party Moodle blocks & integrations

10.1. MoodleTxt

10.2. Panopto

10.3. TurningPoint