1. Infrastructure [Phase 1]
1.1. New Project blog
1.1.1. http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/classroomtechnologies/
1.1.2. Combine existing blogs, remove existing blogs (ARS, SMS)
1.2. Establish suitable area of the LT FAQs database
1.3. Combined Service Catalogue
2. Opus articles
2.1. Live streaming of Lectures: The impact on the student learning experience [based in Mechanical Engineering]
2.1.1. by January 2011
2.2. Research question from project aims
2.2.1. by May 2011
3. Departmental Project(s)
3.1. (aim for) 1 specific project around the area of evaluating the impact on the learning experience
3.2. April 2011 - Present findings at regional e-learning conference - Plymouth
4. Internal Dissemination
4.1. October 2010 - Present at DoS Taught Forum
4.2. News items for LTEO web site
4.2.1. September 2010 - Key findings from SPS work [OPuS article]
4.2.2. October 2010 - New Project Focus
4.2.3. November 2010 - Report on the ESTICT event
4.2.4. December 2010 - "The first semester..." digest. Link to a case study
4.2.5. January 2011- Link to an article review on Classroom Technologies blog
4.2.6. February 2011 - TBC
4.2.7. March 2011 -TBC
4.2.8. April 2011 - TBC
4.2.9. May 2011 - TBC
4.2.10. June 2011 - TBC
4.3. An episode on the e-Learning Podcast
4.4. Classroom Technologies Blog
4.4.1. http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/classroomtechnologies
4.5. Annual Report on progress of Classroom Technologies - meeting project aims
4.5.1. September 2011
5. Case Studies
5.1. 1 by end of October 2010
5.2. 1 by end of December 2010
5.3. 1 by end of March 2011
5.4. 1 by end of June 2011
6. How To Guides
6.1. 1 by end of October 2010
6.1.1. Using TurningPoint Live Registration
6.1.2. Using Panopto to capture your lecture (OER)
6.2. 1 by end of December 2010
6.3. 1 by end of March 2011
6.4. 1 by end of June 2011
7. Staff Development
7.1. Workshops
7.1.1. Technologies to enhance Face to Face teaching [run 2 over each staff development period]
7.1.2. TurningPoint 2008 Masterclass
7.2. Seminars
7.2.1. run 2 over each staff development period
7.3. Events
7.3.1. ESTICT Event at Bath - November 2010
8. What is happening at other UK HEIs?
8.1. ESTICT events
8.1.1. Bath [November 2010]
8.1.2. Durham/Newcastle [March 2011]
9. Support Resources
9.1. Learning Technologies FAQ database
9.1.1. http://go.bath.ac.uk/ltfaq
9.1.2. at least 15 Panopto related by October 2010
9.2. TurningPoint hardware/software overview PDF/blog post (+ FAQs)
9.2.1. TurningPoint 2008 Live Registration
9.2.2. TurningPoint Anywhere
9.2.3. TurningPoint ResponseCard
9.2.4. Results Manager
9.2.5. Moodle Integration (TBC)
9.2.6. ResponseWare Web
9.3. Accessibility
9.3.1. Advice: Using ARS in an Accessible Way