Mini habits - Big Ideas

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Mini habits - Big Ideas by Mind Map: Mini habits - Big Ideas

1. How our brain works

1.1. Repetition is the language of sub conscious

1.2. the brain resists change... And.hence we need to use repetition to make the habit stick

1.3. each repetition results in negligible difference, but repeated over time, it makes a big difference.

1.3.1. New Idea

1.4. when you repeat something , your brain learns to automate it.

1.5. 45% of our behavior is automatic... so we should strive to make high quality habits

1.6. willpower is limited and so is the energy reserve of your PFC to make.decisions against your automated behaviour

1.7. the management function of PFC is very powerful but limited because it needs a lot of energy and will power.

2. 6 step process

2.1. choose mini habit and habit plan

2.1.1. not more than 4 at a time

2.1.2. less than 10 minutes to complete per habit

2.1.3. make the habit stupid small make the habit smaller and smaller if you feel resistance

2.1.4. make the thoughts small as well. if u meet the mini habit goal for the day you are successful

2.2. use the toyota method on each mini habit

2.2.1. ask why ask another why

2.3. Step 3: define your cues

2.3.1. types time cue done at specific time in the day activity cue done after a certain activity Michael Phelps general More than one cue Do it 5 times every day

2.3.2. the key is to decide on the cue - no matter what you pick

2.3.3. speed of routinization comes from specificity of cues

2.3.4. how we make decisions two states of mind in decision process deliberative implemental

2.3.5. Cues are the key factors in implementation intentions

2.4. think small

2.4.1. seyeing yourself make progress on a small goal is much more motivating than not making progress on a big goal once you do that... You don't need willpower

2.4.2. we usually get highly motivated once we have taken action but not before

2.4.3. mini habits generate motivation

2.4.4. small steps never hold you back

2.5. meet your schedule and drop high expectations

2.5.1. all the benefits and power of this strategy lie in keeping your goal small on paper and in your mind

2.5.2. lifes most powerful force is compound effect

2.6. watch for signs of habit but don't jump the gun

3. 8 rules

3.1. never ever cheat

3.1.1. don't give yourself the target of 1 push up per day but secretly require yourself to do a lot more.

3.1.2. starting is very powerful

3.2. be happy with all progress

3.2.1. being happy with small progress is different from having low standards

3.2.2. bruce Lee be happy with progress, but never satisfied

3.3. reward yourself often, specially after a mini habit is formed

3.4. stay level headed

3.4.1. its not about motivation

3.4.2. its about leveraging and conserving your willpower rather than abusing it

3.4.3. dont let excitement be the basis for action

3.5. if you feel strong resistance, back off and make the habit smaller

3.5.1. suggest smaller and smaller habits until the resistance you feel is minimal

3.5.2. if you feel resistance, make the habit smaller

3.6. remind yourself how easy it is

3.7. never think that a step is too small to.even.take

4. intro

4.1. Doing something small is infinitely better than doing nothing at all

4.2. Doing a little bit everyday is much more powerful than doing a lot one day a week

4.2.1. Compound effect

4.3. We are quick to blame ourselves for our failures, but not our strategies

4.4. Mini habits only need very little will power

4.5. Benefits

4.5.1. They are too small to fail

4.5.2. It becomes a habit and routine

4.5.3. There is a great chance that you will do bonus reps

4.6. 45% of our behaviors come from habits

4.7. Habits in the brain

4.7.1. As a habit becomes more ingrained, the associated neural paths become even more thicker and stronger