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Chapter 5 Input by Mind Map: Chapter 5 Input

1. Touch Screen

1.1. Destop computer

1.2. Smart ghone

2. Pen Input

2.1. Smart Phone

2.2. Graghics tablet

3. Voice Input

3.1. Microphone

4. Video Input

4.1. Video camera

4.2. Web cam

4.3. Video conference

5. Biometric

5.1. Fingerprint reader

5.2. Hand geometry system

5.3. Iris recognition system

6. Terminals

6.1. POS terminal

6.2. ATM

6.3. DVD kiosk

7. Keyboard

7.1. wired keyboard

7.1.1. USB port

7.1.2. Keyboard port

7.2. wireless keyboard

7.2.1. Bluetooth

7.2.2. IrDA

8. Mouse

8.1. Trackball

8.2. Touchpad

8.3. Pointing Stick

9. Game Controller

9.1. Gamepads

9.2. JoySticks

9.3. Light guns

9.4. Dance pads

10. Digital Cameras

10.1. Studio camera

10.2. Field camera

10.3. Point and shoot camera

11. Scanners

11.1. Flatbed

11.2. Handheld

11.3. Sheet-fed

11.4. Drum

11.5. Bar code reader

11.6. RFID

11.7. Magnetic stripe card readers

11.8. MICR