Standards and Objectives of ELL Programs

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Standards and Objectives of ELL Programs by Mind Map: Standards and Objectives of ELL Programs

1. Content-based English as a Second Language

1.1. STANDARD 1: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understanding.

1.1.1. TEACHING STRATEGY: teach skills such as skimming, scanning, and previewing for reading.

1.2. STANDARD 2: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression.

1.2.1. TEACHING STRATEGY: have students self-select novels to read in small groups in class. Hold discussions about the content.

1.3. STANDARD 3: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for critical analysis and evaluation.

1.3.1. TEACHING STRATEGY: include peer-review for assignments. Allow students to design the rubric for a project.

1.4. STANDARD 4: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for classroom and social interaction.

1.4.1. TEACHING STRATEGY: role-play different situations to allow students the opportunity to practice interacting in English using varying levels of formality.

1.5. STANDARD 5: Students will demonstrate cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.

1.5.1. TEACHING STRATEGY: Include traditions, myths, folktales, and literature from different national and international regions and cultures into the curriculum to give students exposure to these things.

2. Two-way Bilingual

2.1. Writing

2.1.1. When developing home language literacy/ acquiring a new language, using grade level texts and appropriate supports, students are able to... ...examine and convey complex ideas and information ...write persuasively with reasoning and evidence. ...write detailed real or imagined narratives ...develop, organize and produce writing appropriate to task, purpose and audience ...strengthen writing by revising, editing or trying a new approach

2.2. Reading

2.2.1. When developing home language literacy/ acquiring a new language, using grade level texts and appropriate supports, students are able to... ...draw inferences using evidence from the text ..summarize text by determining main idea and supporting details ....analyze cause/effect and interactions between text elements ....analyze impact of word choice ...analyze the relationship of linguistic and text structures

2.3. Speaking and Listening

2.3.1. When developing home language literacy/ acquiring a new language, using grade level texts and appropriate supports, students are able to... ...prepare and participate in conversations, expressing their points of view clearly and persuasively and evaluate the credibility of information presented in various formats ...evaluate a speaker’s point of view ...present information, findings and supportive evidence appropriate to task, purpose and audience ...make strategic use of media and visual information to enhance and support presentations

2.4. TEACHING STRATEGIES: - involve parents when possible - separate lessons to be taught in either language so that there is no overlap - teach literacy in both languages using the method most appropriate