Simple machines

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Simple machines by Mind Map: Simple machines

1. work

1.1. the procdect of force and distance

1.1.1. w=f*d j

2. power

3. mechanical advantage

3.1. numbers of times the machine increses an input force

3.1.1. ma=output/input

4. 1st class levers

4.1. located by between input force and output

5. 2nd class levers

5.1. located between the input force and the fulcrum

6. 3rd class levers

6.1. between the fulcrum and the output force

7. incline planes

7.1. stright up a steep hill

8. wedge

8.1. A v-shaped object whose sides are two inclined planes

9. screw

9.1. A inclined plane wrap around a cylinder

10. Wheel and Axle

10.1. two disk or cylinders each one different radius

11. pulley

11.1. consist of a rope and groove wheel