14 Categories of Disabilities

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14 Categories of Disabilities by Mind Map: 14 Categories of Disabilities

1. Developmental Delay

1.1. intervention/modifications

1.1.1. Counseling

1.1.2. Nutritional modifications

1.1.3. Plans for families at home

1.1.4. Longer time to complete tasks

1.1.5. Working in small groups

1.2. assistive technology

1.2.1. Ebooks

1.2.2. Memory games

1.2.3. Ipads

1.2.4. Smart boards

1.2.5. Apps that help stimulate learning

1.2.6. Physical play games

2. Emotional Disturbance

2.1. intervention/modifications

2.1.1. Counseling

2.1.2. Behavior plans

2.1.3. Set goals

2.1.4. Total classroom inclusion

2.1.5. Parent/teacher communication

2.1.6. Have clear rules and guidelines

2.2. assistive technology

2.2.1. Music

2.2.2. Computer and Video games

2.2.3. Ipad

2.2.4. Apps

2.2.5. Calming voice

2.3. Case Study

2.3.1. http://ed.psu.edu/englishpds/10-11/gerrity/Case_Study_files/Gerrity-CaseStudy.pdf

3. Intellectual Disability

3.1. intervention/modifications

3.1.1. IQ tests

3.1.2. Simplify material or tasks

3.1.3. Make questions easier

3.1.4. Make material more interesting

3.2. assistive technology

3.2.1. Ipads

3.2.2. Alternate computers for people with disabilities

3.2.3. Special software for learning

3.2.4. Learning devices with large buttons

4. Orthopedic Impairment

4.1. intervention/modifications

4.1.1. Special seating

4.1.2. Extra time to complete tasks

4.1.3. Make materials easier to use

4.1.4. P.T.

4.1.5. Modified physical activities

4.1.6. Assistance with in class work

4.2. assistive technology

4.2.1. Helpful software

4.2.2. Screen readers

4.2.3. Speech recognition

4.2.4. Large buttons on electronics

5. Speech or Language Impairment

5.1. intervention/modifications

5.1.1. Provide extra help

5.1.2. Give the student a head-start with materials

5.1.3. Speak in even tones

5.1.4. Use simple words

5.1.5. Tutoring

5.1.6. More time to complete tasks

5.1.7. Give oral assignments

5.2. assistive technology

5.2.1. Specialized computer software

5.2.2. Communication aids

5.2.3. Sign language classes

6. Visual Impairment including Blindness

6.1. intervention/modifications

6.1.1. Sit at the front of class

6.1.2. Make words bigger

6.1.3. Practice Braille

6.1.4. Provide extra material or notes

6.1.5. Give extra time

6.1.6. Have an eye exam

6.2. assistive technology

6.2.1. Books with large fonts

6.2.2. Apps with large fonts

6.2.3. Braille printers

6.2.4. Talking electronics

7. Multiple Disabilities

7.1. intervention/modifications

7.1.1. One on one help

7.1.2. Non restrictive environment

7.1.3. Inclusion in class

7.1.4. Classroom positioning

7.1.5. Evaluations

7.2. assistive technology

7.2.1. Braille

7.2.2. Hearing aide

7.2.3. Memory games

7.2.4. Voice recognition

7.2.5. Specialized materials

8. Autism

8.1. intervention/modifications

8.1.1. Routine

8.1.2. Set comfort levels

8.1.3. Healthy environment

8.1.4. Teacher training

8.1.5. Parent communication

8.1.6. Help other students to understand

8.1.7. Evaluate needs

8.1.8. Assistant help

8.2. assistive technology

8.2.1. Memory games

8.2.2. Ipads

8.2.3. Smart boards

8.2.4. Computers

8.2.5. Interactive support software

8.3. Case study

8.3.1. http://www.slideshare.net/TahminaSultana/autism-case-study

9. Deaf - Blindness

9.1. intervention/modifications

9.1.1. Repeat instruction

9.1.2. Learn Braille

9.1.3. Lip reading

9.2. assistive technology

9.2.1. Implants

9.2.2. Braille printers

10. Deafness

10.1. intervention/modifications

10.1.1. Visual help

10.1.2. Repeated instruction

10.1.3. Extra materials

10.1.4. Sign language

10.1.5. Group instruction

10.1.6. Screenings

10.1.7. Priority seating

10.2. assistive technology

10.2.1. Closed captioning

10.2.2. Hearing aide

10.2.3. Visual cues

11. Hearing Impairment

11.1. intervention/modifications

11.1.1. Seating near teacher or activity

11.1.2. Screenings

11.1.3. Have a quiet environment

11.1.4. Give extra time

11.1.5. Check understaning

11.1.6. Sign language

11.2. assistive technology

11.2.1. Hearing aide

11.2.2. Sign language

11.2.3. Closed Captioning

11.3. Case Study

11.3.1. http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/423/433278/13%20HS%20Case%20Studies.pdf

12. Other Health Impairment

12.1. intervention/modifications

12.1.1. Research specific impairment

12.1.2. Medications

12.1.3. Seating at the front

12.1.4. Have private discussions

12.1.5. Give less homework

12.1.6. Keep students involved in all class aspects

12.1.7. Evaluations

12.1.8. Communicate with the doctor

12.1.9. Teacher training

12.2. assistive technology

12.2.1. Inhalers

12.2.2. Medicines

12.2.3. Alarms for scheduling

12.2.4. Audio books

12.2.5. Helpful techniques to halt problems

13. Specific Learning Disability

13.1. intervention/modifications

13.1.1. Evaluation

13.1.2. Break instructions down

13.1.3. Allow time to complete tasks

13.1.4. Training to help

13.1.5. Safe environment

13.1.6. Outlines approach

13.2. assistive technology

13.2.1. Ereaders

13.2.2. Apps

13.2.3. Voice recognition software

14. Traumatic Brain Injury

14.1. intervention/modifications

14.1.1. Extra time to finish work

14.1.2. Recording of materials covered for later use

14.1.3. Seating at the front

14.1.4. Classroom buddy system for help

14.1.5. Continuous Evaluations

14.1.6. Give breaks when students are frustrated

14.2. assistive technology

14.2.1. Talking electronics

14.2.2. Memory games

14.2.3. Counseling

14.2.4. Large button electronics

14.2.5. Ereaders