Computer Security and Safety,Ethics and Privacy
by Ann Cpr.E
1. Software Theft
1.1. Safeguards against Software Theft
1.1.1. product activation
2. Hardware Theft and Vandalism
2.1. Safeguards againts Hardware Theft and Vandalism
3. Unauthorized Access and Use
3.1. Safeguards against Unauthorized Access and Use
3.2. Identifying and Authenticating Users
3.3. Possessed Objects
3.4. Biometric Devices
3.5. Digital Forensics
4. Internet and Network Attacks
4.1. Online security service
4.2. virus
4.3. worm
4.4. Trojan horse
4.5. rootkit
4.6. Safeguards aginst Computer Viruses and Other Malware
4.6.1. trusted source
4.6.2. antivirus program
4.6.3. virus signature
4.6.4. virus definition
4.6.5. inoculate
4.6.6. quarantine
4.6.7. virus hoax
4.7. Bothets
4.7.1. zombie
4.8. Denial of Service Attacks
4.9. Back Doors
4.10. Safeguards against Botnets,DoS/DDoS Attacks,Back Doors,and Spoofing
4.11. firewalls
4.12. Intrusion Detection Software
4.13. Honeypots
5. Computer Security Risks
5.1. computer crime
5.2. cybercrime
5.3. hacker
5.4. crcker
5.5. script kiddie
5.6. cyberextortionist
5.7. cyberterrorist
6. Information Privacy
6.1. Electronic Profiles
6.2. Cookies
6.3. Spam
6.4. Phishing
6.5. Spyware and Adware
6.6. Privacy Laws
6.7. Social Engineering
6.8. Employee Monitoring
6.9. Content Filtering
7. Ethics and Society
7.1. Computer ethics
7.2. Information Accuracy
7.3. Intellectual Property Rights
7.3.1. copyright
7.4. Codes of Conduct
7.5. Green Computing
8. Health Concerns of Computer Use
8.1. Computers and Health Risks
8.1.1. A repetitive strain injury (RSI)