Computer Security and Safety, Ethics,and Privacy

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Computer Security and Safety, Ethics,and Privacy da Mind Map: Computer Security and Safety, Ethics,and Privacy

1. Software Theft

1.1. Safeguards against Software Theft

2. lnformation Theft

2.1. Safeguards against lnformation Theft

2.2. Encryption

2.2.1. Digital Certificates

2.2.2. Transport layer Security

2.2.3. Secure HITP

2.2.4. VPN

3. System Failure

3.1. Safeguards against system Failure

3.1.1. uninterruptible power supply(UPS)

4. Backing Up-The Ultimate Safeguard

5. Wireless Security

6. Health Concerns of Computer Use

6.1. Computer and Health Risks

6.2. Ergonomics and Workplace Design

6.3. Computer Addiction

7. lnformation Privacy

7.1. Electronic Profiles

7.2. Cookies

7.3. Spam

7.4. Phishing

7.5. Spyware and Adware

7.6. Privacy Laws

7.7. Social Engineering

7.8. Employee Monitoring

7.9. Content Filtering

8. Computer Security Risks

8.1. New node

9. lnternet and Network Attacks

9.1. Safeguards against Computer Viruses and Other Malware

9.2. Botnets

9.3. Denial of Service Attacks

9.4. Back Doors

9.5. Spoofing

9.6. Safeguards against Botnets,Dos/DDoS Attacks,Back Doors, and Spoofing

9.7. Firewalls

9.8. lntrusion Detecion Software

9.9. Honeypots

10. Hardware Theft and Vandalism

10.1. Hardware theft

10.2. Hardware vandalism

11. Unauthorized Access and Use

11.1. Safeguards against Unauthorized Access and Use

11.1.1. Unauthorized access

11.1.2. Unauthorized use

11.2. ldentifying and Authenticating Users

11.2.1. User Names and Passwords

11.2.2. password

11.2.3. Possessed Objects personal identification number(PIN)

11.2.4. Biometric Devices

11.3. Digital Forensics

12. Ethics and Society

12.1. lnformation Accuracy

12.2. lntellectual Proerty Rights

12.3. Green Computing