Reading comprehension in the workplace Erick Salisbury

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Reading comprehension in the workplace Erick Salisbury por Mind Map: Reading comprehension in the workplace  Erick Salisbury

1. Rules and Regulations

1.1. Reading the rules, regulations and obligations of the work area can be difficult at times, but is very important for the multiple levels of employees.

1.1.1. "Task-based learning satisfies this need, involving the learners at every level of the educational process as they pass through comprehension, decision-making, implementation, preparation, rehearsal, performance and reflection." page 57. This quote is important to demonstrate the importance of task completion on the basis of employees showing their comprehension of the rules and regulations with task-based learning. An employee will be instructed on the proper ways to conduct themselves in the work area, with the proper role-play and videos to illustrate comprehension.

1.1.2. "task-based work can also be beneficial in encouraging learners to address their learning needs, to assess themselves, and to become self-directed" page 57. The system of checking for comprehension can also demonstrate t o the boss or individuals training, the lack of correct comprehension. Perhaps a worker is taking the information incorrectly, and this can be adjusted immediately.

1.1.3. Sase, A. S., & Abdelaal, N. M. (2014). Advances in language and literary studies: Relationship between prior knowledge and reading comprehension (Sase, Abdelaal, pg 57)

1.1.4. *Outside information- ESL workers can influence the way a cafe is ran. For instance, pamphlets and PowerPoints may not be the best approach for weekly/daily meetings. The employees may be too embarrassed to mention their struggles.

2. Menus and directions for preparing food

2.1. "Specifically, do single words and phrases or real-life contextual materials, such as an article and a restaurant menu, best detect neglect dyslexia?" Page 76. Individuals in the work area may experience reading the menus, screens and ingredient list. This may affect allergens and other food problems people may request. Customers may need different food items or request an order that needs specifics read. The employee may hinder the customer coming back if they do not read the proper way the customer needed an item. Dyslexia will affect this.

2.2. Galletta, E. E., Campanelli, L., Maul, K. K., & Barrett, A. M. (2014). Assessment of neglect dyslexia with functional reading materials. Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation, 21(1), 75-86. doi:10.1310/tsr2101-75

2.3. *Outside information-Catering orders and receipts need to be comprehended properly. An individual may overlook an order request and give the customer the wrong order. Ever detail matters in this scenario as one bad order could mean the loss of a future customer return.

3. Medical/ Insurance

3.1. *Outside information- Reading comprehension of the co-worker can lead to happy workers. Workers need to understand and choose their health benefits and saving plans. Individuals do not enjoy seeing money leave their accounts with out knowing where it goes.