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Review by Mind Map: Review

1. facts

1.1. something that is true, can be proven

2. opinions

2.1. something that has to be proven; not necessarily true

3. plot structure

3.1. character

3.2. plot

3.3. setting

3.4. conflict

3.4.1. internal

3.4.2. external man vs nature man vs society Man vs. man

3.5. exposition

3.5.1. rising action

3.5.2. climax

3.5.3. falling action

3.5.4. resolution/ conclusion

4. external text features

4.1. diagrams

4.2. headings

4.2.1. inserts

4.3. pictures

4.4. labels

4.5. subtitles

4.6. captions

4.7. maps

4.8. charts, graphs, illustrations

4.9. table of contents, index, glossary

4.10. font styles

5. internal text structure

5.1. descriptive

5.2. sequence

5.2.1. chrononlogical

5.2.2. process/ step by step

5.3. compare and contrast

5.4. cause and effect

5.5. problem and solution

6. theme

6.1. the Message or Lesson the author wants you to get

6.1.1. Winners Never Quit!

6.1.2. Never count your chickens before they hatch

7. main idea

7.1. What the passage is mainly about

7.1.1. can be found in the beginning, middle or end

8. parts of speech

8.1. nouns

8.1.1. person

8.1.2. place

8.1.3. thing

8.2. verbs

8.2.1. actions

8.2.2. linking

8.2.3. helping

8.3. adjectives

8.4. adverbs

8.5. Pronouns

8.5.1. he, she, it, we, us, they, me,you,them,her, him

8.6. subjects

8.6.1. Mr. Morton ( is the subject)

8.7. predicate

8.7.1. sings ( what the subject does)

9. summary

9.1. 5w's and H

9.2. Who?

9.3. What?

9.4. When?

9.5. Where?

9.6. Why?

9.7. How?

9.8. Put in own words

10. author's purpose

10.1. Persuade

10.2. Inform

10.3. Entertain

10.4. Explain

10.5. Describe

11. writing

11.1. pre-writing

11.1.1. brainstorming

11.1.2. clustering

11.1.3. listing

11.1.4. outlining

11.1.5. webbing

11.1.6. free-write