Introduction to Computers

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Introduction to Computers por Mind Map: Introduction to Computers

1. Elements of an Information System

1.1. Hardware

1.2. Software

1.3. Data

1.4. People

1.5. Procedures

2. Categories of Computers

2.1. Personal computers

2.1.1. Mobile computers and mobile devices Game consoles Servers

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

3.1. Advantages of Using Computers

3.1.1. Speed

3.1.2. Reliability

3.1.3. Consistency

3.1.4. Storage

3.1.5. Communications

3.2. Disadvantages of Using Computers

3.2.1. Violation of Privacy

3.2.2. Public Safety

3.2.3. Impact on Labor Force

3.2.4. Impact on Environment

3.2.5. Health Risks

4. The Component of a Computer

4.1. Input Device

4.2. New node

4.3. New node

4.4. Output Device

4.5. System Unit

4.6. Storage Device

4.7. Communications Device