Aquatic Biome

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Aquatic Biome by Mind Map: Aquatic Biome

1. Freshwater

1.1. Lotic

1.1.1. Rivers/Streams Currents: stronger with an increase in rainfall. Flow takes place from mountains to the sea. Zones

1.2. Lentic

1.2.1. Lakes/Ponds Deep Lakes Littoral ZONE : top layer near shore; shallow sunlit waters; high biodiversity; rooted plants, turtles, frogs, crayfish, bass, carp. Limnetic ZONE: open, sunlit layer. main photosynthetic zone; produces the food and oxygen for consumers; microscopic phytoplankton and zooplankton. Profundal ZONE: deep, open water; too dark for photosynthesis; low oxygen level; no plants Benthic ZONE: mostly consists of decomposers; benthos species of fish; nourished by dead matter from littoral and limnetic zones. Oligotrophic Lakes: Deep with steep banks; water supplied from lake and mountain streams. Pop. of phytoplankton, trout, bass Eutrophic Lakes: shallow, murky water, high turbidity Mesotrophic Lakes: moderate supply of plant nutrients.

2. Saltwater

2.1. Photic

2.1.1. Intertidal Zone: where land meets water; high and low tides; changing salinity levels; organisms subjected to power of waves

2.1.2. Neritic Zone: beyond intertidal; shallow regions over the continental shelves in warm tropical waters; contains coral reefs; constant renewal of nutrients; photosynthesis

2.1.3. Oceanic Pelagic Zone: extends past continental shelves, can be very deep; open water; most of the ocean’s water; water mixed by ocean currents; plankton (fish, large squid, sea turtles, marine mammals ). (can be found in photic and aphotic zone)

2.2. Aphotic

2.2.1. Benthic Zone: ocean bottom below neritic and oceanic pelagic zones; temperature determine community development; nutrients "rain" down from above in form of detritus; communities consist of bacteria, fungi, seaweed, algae, invertebrates, and fish.