Failed Credit Cards

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Failed Credit Cards by Mind Map: Failed Credit Cards

1. 3rd Failure (last attempt)

1.1. Tags Applied

1.1.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 02.0 Milestone - Membership Cancelled Membership Cancelled due to CC Decline

1.2. Tags Removed

1.2.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01. 1st Attempt - Membership Paused CC Declined: 1st Attempt

1.2.2. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 02. 2nd Attempt - Email Sent CC Declined: 2nd Attempt

1.2.3. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 05. Last Attempt - Email Sent

1.2.4. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01.0 Milestone - CC Declined - Membership Suspended

1.3. http post

1.3.1. Cancel Sub

1.4. Email to subscriber

2. Successful Charge

2.1. Tag removed

2.1.1. Platform University Monthly Subscription Paused

2.1.2. PlatU - Inactive - Nurture

2.1.3. Credit Card Expired

2.1.4. PlatU Member - Cancelled

2.1.5. PU WLMIS New Campaign

2.1.6. Membership Cancelled due to CC Decline

2.2. Tag applied

2.2.1. PlatU - Active Subscription

2.3. http post

2.3.1. reactivates subscription this will apply the Active tag,1358192111,1358192112,1396281019&er=1,1358192111,1358192112,1396281019&er=1

2.4. Email to subscriber

3. 1st failure

3.1. http post - cancel sub

3.2. Email to Subscriber

3.3. Tags Applied - New

3.3.1. CC Declined: 1st Attempt

3.3.2. Platform University Monthly Subscription Paused

3.4. Tags Removed - New

3.4.1. CC Declined: 2nd Attempt

3.4.2. Membership Cancelled due to CC Decline

3.5. Tags applied - OLD

3.5.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01. 1st Attempt - Membership Paused CC Declined: 1st Attempt

3.5.2. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01.0 Milestone - CC Declined - Membership Suspended

3.5.3. Platform University Monthly Subscription Paused KC - didn't delete

3.6. Tags removed - old

3.6.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 02. 2nd Attempt - Email Sent CC Declined: 2nd Attempt

3.6.2. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 05. Last Attempt - Email Sent

3.6.3. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 02.0 Milestone - Membership Cancelled Membership Cancelled due to CC Decline

4. 2nd Failure

4.1. Tags applied

4.1.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 02. 2nd Attempt - Email Sent CC Declined: 2nd Attempt

4.1.2. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01.0 Milestone - CC Declined - Membership Suspended

4.2. Tags removed

4.2.1. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 01. 1st Attempt - Membership Paused CC Declined: 1st Attempt

4.2.2. 40. Finance - PlatU - CC Declined: 05. Last Attempt - Email Sent

4.3. Email to subscrier

4.3.1. Send an Email using the "CC Declined, Attempt #2 (Email) " template

4.4. http post