Yasmeen online presence

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Yasmeen online presence por Mind Map: Yasmeen online presence

1. yasmeensong.com

1.1. About Yasmeen

1.2. Music

1.2.1. Youtube videos

1.2.2. BUY CD

1.2.3. soundcloud tracks

1.3. Art

2. yasmeensong.wordpress.com

2.1. poetry

2.2. youtube music

2.3. dead links

2.3.1. yasmeensongart.com

3. pinterest.com

4. soundclound.com

5. YasmeenOlya.com

6. yasmeenfund.com

6.1. Family fund

6.1.1. Heal .10, 4,6,12 year old children

6.1.2. Updates over time

6.1.3. Art print thank you Choose recent from DB Rose mother? Mama at home? Ayesha asked to rephrase how

6.2. Projects fund

6.2.1. New album Angelina may help

6.2.2. Publish book

7. yasmeenolya.imagekind.com

7.1. High res images from Yasmeen

7.1.1. Expect on dec 12

7.2. upload high res images

7.3. set markup %

7.3.1. typically 80%

7.3.2. 100% of margin goes to the artist after site's base rate

7.3.3. profits$: http://www.imagekind.com/faq.aspx?CID=8#FAQ_105

7.4. confirm nationality/paypal account/address

7.5. go live

7.5.1. put links on the other sites!!