DT resources
by Saul Howard
1. Academic links
1.1. Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University
2. Software
2.1. E2E
2.2. Confrontation Manager
2.3. Dilemma Explorer
2.4. Confronteer
3. Publications
3.1. The Six Dilemmas of Collaboration
3.2. The Utility of Force
3.3. Acting Strategically Using Drama Theory
3.4. Oedipus Decision Maker
3.5. A new Drama-Theoretic Method for Conflict Resolution in Management
3.6. Confrontation Analysis: How To Win Operations Other Than War
4. Websites with DT-based tools and services
4.1. Decision Workshops
4.2. Decision Mechanics
4.3. Idea Sciences
5. Blogs & Forums
5.1. Decision Mechanics blog
5.2. The Dramaturgy blog
5.3. Dilemmas Galore forum
6. Application domains
7. Introduction to Drama Theory
7.1. Drama Theory 1
7.2. Drama Theory 2
7.3. DT in Wikipedia