DT Application Domains

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DT Application Domains by Mind Map: DT Application Domains

1. Psychology and personal relations

1.1. Dilemmas Galore forum

1.1.1. DT1

1.1.2. DT2

1.2. The Dramaturg blog

1.3. Decision Workshops

2. Fiction

2.1. Dilemmas Galore forum

2.1.1. DT1

2.1.2. DT2

2.2. The Dramaturg blog

3. Business & Management

3.1. Dilemmas Galore forum

3.1.1. DT 1 business forum

3.1.2. DT2 business forum

3.1.3. DT2 forum for organisations & managers

3.2. Publications

3.2.1. A new Drama-Theoretic Method for Conflict Resolution in Management

3.2.2. The Six Dilemmas of Collaboration

3.2.3. Acting Strategically Using Drama Theory

3.3. Websites with DT-based tools and services

3.3.1. Idea Sciences

3.3.2. Decision Workshops

3.3.3. Decision Mechanics

4. Military

4.1. Dilemmas Galore forum

4.1.1. DT1

4.1.2. DT2

4.2. Publications

4.2.1. The Utility of Force

4.3. The Dramaturg blog

5. Political Science and management

5.1. The Dramaturg blog

5.2. Courses

5.2.1. Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University

6. Drama Theory basics

6.1. Dilemmas Galore

6.2. The Dramaturg blog

6.3. Decision Workshops