Front Matter- Alberta Social Studies POS

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Front Matter- Alberta Social Studies POS by Mind Map: Front Matter- Alberta Social Studies POS

1. Vision

1.1. Citizenship & Identity

1.2. Multiple Perspectives

1.3. Diversity & Respect

1.4. Pluralism

2. Definition

2.1. Study of people in relation to others and the world

2.2. Issues-focused & Inquiry-based

2.3. Includes:

2.3.1. History

2.3.2. Ecology

2.3.3. Geography

2.3.4. Economics

2.3.5. Law

2.3.6. Philosophy

2.3.7. Political Science

3. Role

3.1. Values & Attitudes

3.1.1. New node

3.2. Knowledge & Understanding

3.3. Skills & Processes