Current directions in Black Psychology

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Current directions in Black Psychology by Mind Map: Current directions in Black Psychology

1. African American Psychology

1.1. Image of Blacks & African (Americans)

1.2. Black resilience

1.3. Cultural mistrust

1.4. Positive well being & optimal functioning

2. Education

2.1. Intelligence Assessment

3. Culturally relevant Mental Health services

3.1. Bio-medical ethics

3.1.1. Clinical applications of African psychology

4. Political Culture

4.1. Analyzing power

4.1.1. "Buying into the system"

5. Addressing current (& covert) racism

5.1. Negative effects of racism

6. Critical conscious theory

6.1. Civic participation/Collective voice

6.1.1. Engagement of younger generations

7. Positive Psychology:An African American perspective

7.1. Empowerment

7.2. Resources

7.2.1. Spirituality Community Collective efficacy

7.3. Protective factors

7.3.1. Capabilities & strengths

7.4. Coping & well-being

7.4.1. Personal choices Self regulation & reflection

8. Liberation Psychology

8.1. Comprehensive analysis of the Black condition

8.1.1. Addressing assets AND deficits

8.2. Social Equity & Justice

8.2.1. Resistance: commitment to expose & overcome social injustices

8.3. Vital strategies for transformation

8.3.1. Positive psychology/reflecting on a "rich" heritage Empowerment/Creating hope Social activism/Solidarity

8.4. Moving forward

9. African-centered Psychology

9.1. African thought & tradiion