1. Dealing with anxiety of first job
2. Blogging, how to be a better social networker
3. Topics (Hear Us!)
3.1. How to improve the local film industry: Guest on set- 2 youth + 2 young filmakers
3.2. Solving the mat rempit problem
3.3. Ways to eradicate corruption
3.4. Foreign youth. A community of youth who are foreigners.
3.4.1. New node
3.5. Baby boomers vs. Gen-Y. Coping with baby boomers in the office
3.6. Quarter-life crisis causing depression
3.7. Education system
3.8. U.S. double-dip recession and how its affecting us
3.9. "The Game" and the dating scene
3.10. Acne and self-confidence (pro-activ as sponsor
3.11. What is the constitution?
3.12. Bi-partisan. Good or bad?
3.12.1. Managing finances + How to make more money but work less
4. Locations
4.1. Friendscino (Jerry)
4.2. Palate Palatte (Su Ann)
4.3. Stuff Your Face Cafe (Barry)
4.4. Old Town Subang (Joel)
4.5. Ecoba (Simon)
4.6. Laundry
4.7. Wondermilk
4.8. Full House in Sunway Giza
4.9. The Bee (Adrian)
5. Online content
6. Vox Pop
6.1. What you hate most about Malaysia
6.1.1. New node
6.2. The coolest thing you've done on a weekend
6.3. What you think of Mat Rempits
6.4. New node
7. Events (Right Here, Right Now)
7.1. Pedal Away Polio (DONE)
7.2. Battle of the Year- breakdance (DONE)
7.3. Palate Palatte Dubstep
8. Financial constraint
8.1. How To's/ Try It's
8.1.1. Cycle safe on the road (Edwin)
8.1.2. Tap dance (Kong Eu)
8.1.3. Do simple magic tricks (Victor)
8.1.4. Play the didgeridoo (Justin)
8.1.5. Beat box and sing at the same time (Kelvin aka Jin Hackman)
8.1.6. Do simple skateboard tricks
8.1.7. Be a pro on the dance floor (Stephanie Goh)
8.1.8. How to ace an interview (Kelly Services) + YCOM- sketch by some comedians of interviews gone wrong
8.1.9. Make roti canai (any mamak guy)
8.1.10. Give someone a head/ foot massage
8.1.11. Scuba dive (Lynette/ Sealantis 1 Utama)
8.1.12. Wakeboarding
8.1.13. Court ultimate- a new sport (Ben)
8.1.14. Living on a farm (Kar Mern)
8.2. Best of
8.2.1. WatchIt! (best of YouTube)
8.2.2. SurfUp! (best of Blogs)
8.2.3. TheSilverScreen (new release Movies)
8.2.4. Broken Record (soundbite of the week)
8.2.5. Youth of the week
8.2.6. The Library (book of the week)
8.2.7. The Couch (DVD of the week
8.3. Weekend "what-to-do"
8.4. Top Five *good for sponsor
8.4.1. Extreme Sports
8.4.2. Best Wedding Gift (sponsorship from Gifts N' Things
8.4.3. Things not to say on a date New node
8.4.4. Worst pick-up lines
8.4.5. Properties under 300k in Klang Valley (get iproperty to sponsor)
8.4.6. Cheap Getaways
8.4.7. Retirement investment plans
8.4.8. Romantic getaways Flea market New node
8.4.9. Fine dining experience (MIGF)
8.4.10. Ways to keep yourself awake during boring lectures
8.4.11. diving spots
8.5. When I was 21
8.5.1. Nancy Yeoh- m'sia PR queen
8.5.2. Chef Wan
8.5.3. Najib? *cross fingers*