Impact of the Holocaust on Canadian society and on Canadians' attitudes towards human rights

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Impact of the Holocaust on Canadian society and on Canadians' attitudes towards human rights by Mind Map: Impact of the Holocaust on Canadian society and on Canadians' attitudes towards human rights

1. 1935: Nuremberg Laws

2. 2) Segregation

2.1. slave labor "annihilation by work"

2.1.1. starved

2.1.2. transported like cattle in freight cars

2.1.3. camps built on railroads for efficient transportation

2.2. Survival based on the physical strength and trade skills

2.2.1. men, women and children were seperated from each other so that each group would be focused on the job the Nazis gave them at hand

3. before WWII 9 million Jewish people lived in Europe and by the end of WWII 6 million Jewish people were killed, one million being Jewish children

3.1. Who was Jewish

3.1.1. If your parent or parents were Jewish you were Jewish

3.1.2. If only ONE grandparent had been a Jew you could be classified as German

4. preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

5. prejudice or discrimination based on sex.

6. Attitudes

7. treating a person less favorably because of a disorder that affects their mood, thinking, or behavior.

8. valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe

9. After WWI/ 1920s

10. broad power of the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war and rid any insurrection

10.1. Ukrainian-Canadians jailed under this act forcing them into slave labor

10.1.1. men detained for 18 months

11. enacted to prohibit admission based on culture, modes of living, methods of holding property and probability of becoming assimilated

11.1. June 1919

11.1.1. entry of Doukhobors, Mennonites, and Hutterites prohibited because of "peculiar habits, modes of living and methods of holding property"

11.2. 1923

11.2.1. head tax enacted for all Chinese immigrants under the Canadian Chinese Exclusion Act

12. Women want to vote and become "Persons" under the law, since women were not considered people. The initial goal of this was to become equal to men.

13. "Famous Five"- The five crucial women that pushed the right to vote and become people. In 1921 these women ran for office in a federal election and in October of 1929 the British council declares that Women should be Person's under the law.

14. WWII/Holocaust

15. German fuhrer (leader) Adolph Hitler, planned a genocide of undesirables in order to create a "perfect Germany" and "perfect Europe"

16. "Women bring all voters into the world; let them vote."

17. a way of systematically exterminating a nationality or group

18. mainly Jews but also Roma, communists, gay men, Africans, the disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses and political prisoners.

19. 1) Stripping of rights

19.1. Jewish people forced to live in designated areas "ghettos" to be isolated from the rest of society

19.1.1. 356 ghettos Nazis established in Poland, Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Romania & Hungary ghettos were filthy,poorly sanitized and extremely overcrowded disease rampant and food was in such short supply that many slowly starved to death

20. 3) Concentration

20.1. Wansee Conference (Berlin 1942) established the "complete solution of the Jewish question" and called for the complete and mass annihalation and extermination of the Jewish people."

20.2. camps established to concentrate the Jewish people from the rest of society

20.2.1. unsanitary, disease ridden and lice infested barracks

20.2.2. inhumane medical experiments

21. 4) Extermination

21.1. By 1945, Nazis have exterminated almost 11 million "undesirable" people and 6 million of those people were Jews

21.1.1. prisoners in camps worked to death under brutal conditions

21.1.2. too young, too old and too weak killed in gas chambers, shot or left to die of starvation or disease

21.2. Nazis began to destroy crematoriums and camps as the Allied troops close in

21.3. January 27, 1945, Soviet army entered Auschwitz (largest camp) and liberated more than seven thousand remaining prisoners who were mostly ill and dying

22. Allied powers- Great Britain, France, Canada, China, United States (from 1941), USSR (from 1941)

23. Axis powers- Germany, Austria, Japan, Italy, USSR (until 1941)

24. Isolation

25. Cold war and Modern Canada (2016)

26. the annihaliation of Jews and other groups of people of Europe under the Nazi regime during WWII

27. Britain and France nervous and did not want to cause another war so they appeased to the Treaty of Versailles

28. propaganda and media

28.1. August 1939- German agents pretend to be Polish officers staged an assault at the German border to make it look as if Poland were attacking Germany

28.1.1. used false story to order Germany to invade

28.2. September 3, 1939, 2 days later, Britain and France declare war on Germany and one week later Canada does

29. he used the anger of the Germans on the topic of the Treaty of Versailles to his advantage

29.1. we will not pay reperations from the previous war

29.2. We want our military for protection, started to re-arm military and troops

29.3. sent 30, 000 troops to a de-militarized zone which was not allowed according to this treaty

30. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): the agressive actions of Stalin (leader of Soviet Union) accelerated the US effort to use military means to contain Soviet ambihitions

31. USA, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Holland, Italy, and Denmark form a mutual defense pactin 1949.

32. Pledged countries would treat an attack against one as an attack against all.

33. organization of communist states in Central and Eastern Europe it was established on May 14, 1955 in Warsaw Poland

34. established in response to NATO treaty Albania (left in 1961 as a result of Sino-Soviet split), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland , Romania, USSR, East Germany (1956)

35. Canada's Lester B. Pearson went to the UN and proposed that the UN Emergency Peacekeeping Force to be sent to the Suez Canl to seperate and mediate conversation between the rival armies

35.1. Crisis resolved

35.2. Canada slowly becoming a peacekeeper, which we never were before

36. Peacekeeping Missions

36.1. 1950-1953: Korean War

36.2. 1956: Suez Canal Crisis

36.2.1. Major part to start Peacekeeping

36.3. 1958: Lebanon

36.4. 1960-1964: Congo

36.5. 1974- PRESENT: Syria

36.5.1. More than 12,000 Canadians served

36.6. 1978-PRESENT: Afghanistan

36.7. 1988-1991; Persian Gulf (Gulf war)

36.7.1. four thousand Canadian Force personnel served

36.8. 1990-1991: Haiti

36.9. 1991-1995: El Salvador

36.9.1. contingent sent to observer mission to monitor ceasefire following El Salvador's twelve year civil war

36.10. 1992-1995: Somalia

36.10.1. mission gains attention and becomes national scandal referred to as Somalia Affair after Canadian soilders are convicted of torture, assault and murder of Somali civilians

36.11. 1993-1994; Rwanda

36.11.1. met significant hurdles as UN troops witnessed slaughter of nearly 800,000 Rwandans

37. 60s- 70s significant changes

37.1. '62- removal of much racial discrimination with new immigration regulations, assisted loan program extended to Carribean

37.2. '66- White paper promoting a balance between economic interest and family relationship

37.3. '67- Points system

37.4. '69- Canada finally signs Refugee Convention and Protocol

37.5. '71- Multiculturalism policy announced, many immigrants and refugees come from new source countries

37.6. '74- Creation of ISAP Program

37.7. '78- New Immigration Act

38. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

38.1. Bill of Rights

38.1.1. John Diefenbaker became Prime Minister IN 1958 and wanted to create new law to address issues of human rights in Canada and guarantee rights of individuals. to life, liberty and personal security to equality before the law freedom of religion, speech, assembly, association and the press to legal consel and a fair hearing

38.1.2. However he could not enshrine this into the Canadian Constitution because Britain still had power over constitutional affairs. was the first step to Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

38.1.3. legislated by Parliment and acted as a guideline for federal goverment and allowed victories against discrimination such as the "Rv Drybones" case which ruled that Indian Act provisions related to liquor laws were discriminatory.

38.2. Canada was slow to vote in favor of this because it was still discriminating against various groups

38.2.1. Jehovah's Witness' recieved hostile treatment

38.2.2. communists being targeted due to Cold War fears and discovery of USSR spy operation

38.2.3. Japanese Canadians continued to be denied the right to vote in 1948

38.3. Indian issues

38.3.1. Indian Act 1951 Aboriginals were not allowed alchol, could not subdivide their reserve lands or launch claims without permission of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, they could not vote in federal elections without giving up their Indian Status but if they gave up their status they wouldn't be able to function well within the reserves or in mainstream society UN ruled this act violated Human Rights Canada passed a Bill C-31 to amend Indian Act in 1985

38.3.2. Indian Act and Women If an aboriginal woman married a non- Aboriginal man she and her children would lose their Indian Status, but if an aboriginal man marries a non- Aboriginal woman the same thing does not apply 1966- Mary Two Axe Earley challenged this when she founded Equal Rights for Indian Women Canada passed a Bill C-31 to amend Indian Act in 1985

38.3.3. White Paper Response do away with Indian Act, dismantle the Department of Indian Affairs, shift responsibility for Aboriginal issues to provincial governments and eventually eliminate treaty rights Aboriginals responded with outrage and this was withdrawn in 1970

38.3.4. Redpower Native alliance for red powers issued in 1969: self determination for reserves and Aboriginal communities, end to taxation, creation of an education system end to discrimination by police and prisons, honour treaties and compensation for loss of land end of "divide and rule" tactics by government.

38.4. Women's Movement

38.4.1. Royal Commission on Status of Women all women should get to choose where or whether they work, society should help with raising children by providing daycare, women should be entitled to maternity leave and federal government should help women overcome descrimination

38.4.2. Voice of Women promote disarmament and peace and enabled many women to articulate corncerns about the Cold War frustrated about: equal pay for equal work, paid Maternity leave, laws protecting from sexual harrassment, control of their own reproductive rights

38.4.3. Women in the workforce In 1951- 22.3% of the workforce was female and in 1961 women employed full time earned 59% of what a man would earn doing the same job. 1955- restrictions in federal public service on employment advancement of married women were removed 1970's- increased number of women opting to participate in the workforce and women in automobile companies for example, recieved the same pay as a man would for the same job

39. Charter of Rights and Freedoms summary

39.1. a) Guarentee of Rights and Freedoms

39.1.1. live free, justifiable in rights and freedoms

39.2. b) Fundamental Freedoms

39.2.1. freedom of religion

39.2.2. thought (right to have opinions/beliefs)

39.2.3. expression ( to state personal opinions openly)

39.2.4. association and assembly ( gather with and meet peacefully)

39.3. c) Democratic Rights

39.3.1. vote federally and provincially

39.3.2. run for elected office

39.4. d) Mobility Rights

39.4.1. enter, remain in or leave country

39.4.2. work wherever they would like in Canada

39.5. e) Legal Rights

39.5.1. John Dieffenbaker- Bill of rights " to life, liberty, security"

39.6. f) Equality Rights

39.6.1. to not be discriminated against because of appearance or physical, mental, spirtual and social beliefs or ability

39.6.2. all people are equal

39.7. g) Official Languages

39.7.1. the right to speak French or English in our bilingual country

39.8. h) Minority Language and Education

39.8.1. "Children are to be educated in either French or English where large enough numbers of students exist to justify a dual system."

39.9. i) Enforcement

39.9.1. the right to have this enforced and if any are denied the right to go to a social justice system

39.10. j) General Provisions

39.10.1. First Nations People have the right to retain previously established rights

39.10.2. ehance multicultural heritage

40. Goals: destruction of culture and assimilation into the white society

41. intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

42. a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

43. "lesser people"

43.1. from other countries

43.1.1. immigrants, refugees, and people that were born somewhere other than Canada and did not look the same as the majority of Canada.

43.2. mentally ill

43.2.1. During the time almost up until present day the physically and mentally disabled,socially disordered, PTSD, homosexual, and sexual and gender disordered people were treated horrendously. These people were beat, stripped of their rights and treating inhumanly.

43.3. weaker gender

43.3.1. Women were considered lesser because they were not the dominant gender. A woman was basically their husbands property and those unfortunate to be married to a man that was abusive couldn't do anything about it.

43.4. religious diversion

43.4.1. if you were a different religion than the main culture was you would be treated as lesser and possible be forced into the dominant culture's religion.

43.5. anyone that wasn't white

43.5.1. was looked upon as lesser and would be treated poorly they would not be given any rights.

43.6. stereotyping based on what you've heard and not actual experience

43.6.1. predjudism against the German people was very common. They were considered the enemy but yet that's what the Germans thought of you in WW1 too.

44. Before WWI

45. a movement that seeks to change the social and political views of a discriminated group

45.1. Women and Aboriginal people look for equality and human rights to be seen as equal and deserving of rights to be who they are in the social and political eye.

45.2. labor unions began to start on work sites that would ensure the ability for a stable well paying job for men to provide for their families.

46. any policy of a country that allows or does not allow transit of people across it's borders, or immigrants, who intend to stay and work in the country.

47. English, French, farmers from USA

47.1. propaganda promoted settlement in western Canada, there was a lot of fertile land and would be a good place to raise a family and make a good life for yourself

48. to have a nation formed of the discriminated races

49. to maintain the "White- Christian" culture

50. blacks, gypsies, jews, italians, greeks and asians, feeble-minded and people with tuberculosis and other diseases

50.1. propaganda- discouraging black migration, Canada's Black population went from 50 thousand to 17 thousand

50.2. head tax - Chinese immigrants would have to pay anywhere between $50- $500 to get in to Canada ($500 was two years pay)

50.3. stop of flow- Continuous Passage Act- required Indians to come to Canada only by sailing from India

51. unable to compete for jobs equally, receive fair services, or vote in elections.

52. " In this time there was no discrimination laws, and basic human rights did not exist."

53. simply to make the whole Indian culture dissapear

54. were compulsory and children as young as three must attend, these children were told that their society was worthless and that they had been rescued. They were not allowed to speak their own language and they were abused mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually.