1. Online Editors
1.1. SVG Edit
1.2. jsFiddle
1.3. Tributary
1.4. three.js editor
1.5. Mondrian
1.6. Codepen
1.7. Vectorpaint
1.8. Janvas
1.9. Lyra
1.10. Feditor
1.11. Vectriole
1.12. Directed Graph Editor
1.12.1. This is really a bl.ocks demo by mike bostock. But still it works
2. Data
2.1. Google Docs
2.2. Census.gov
2.3. Google Refine
2.4. Data Wrangler
2.5. Mr. Data Converter
3. Collaboration
3.1. Acrobat.com co-sharing of pdf docs
3.2. Speek
3.3. GoToMeeting
3.4. DimDim
3.5. Mindmeister
4. Calendar
4.1. Google Calendar
4.2. gSyncit
4.3. Calendar Hub
4.4. FuseCal
4.5. 30 Boxes
4.6. Doodle
5. Maps
5.1. Mapbox
5.2. iD
5.3. D3
6. Annotation
6.1. markup.io
6.2. ShiftSpace
6.2.1. shiftspace.org > About > Shift-what
6.3. sharedcopy
6.4. Mapanno
6.5. Diigo
6.5.1. diigo.com > Introduce > Home
6.6. MyStickies
6.6.1. mystickies.com > Home
6.6.2. not compatible with FF3
6.7. WebNote
6.7.1. webnotes.net
6.7.2. applied for beta Apr 2009
6.8. Protonotes
6.9. WebNote
7. Browser testing
7.1. browserling.com
7.2. Adobe Browser Lab
8. Computer Share
8.1. PCNow
8.2. gSyncit
9. Desktop Tools
9.1. Bitmap
9.1.1. Photoshop 5.5
9.1.2. Fireworks
9.1.3. Debabelizer
9.1.4. Painter
9.1.5. DeepPaint
9.1.6. BIMP
9.1.7. GIF Animator
9.1.8. Texture Processor
9.1.9. Filters
9.1.10. Gliftex
9.2. Vector
9.2.1. Illustrator
9.2.2. Flash
9.2.3. Freehand
9.2.4. Expression
9.2.5. Fireworks
9.3. Diagramming
9.3.1. Visio
9.3.2. Illustrator
9.3.3. Flowchart.com
9.3.4. JumpChart
9.3.5. Best4C
9.3.6. Gliffy
9.3.7. Many Eyes
9.3.8. Swivel
9.3.9. New node
9.4. HTML
9.4.1. Homesite 4.5
9.4.2. Dreamweaver
9.4.3. SciTE
9.4.4. Altova XML Spy
9.4.5. nVu
9.4.6. Aptana
9.5. Editors
9.5.1. SciTE
9.5.2. noteit
9.5.3. WordPad
9.5.4. SEPY Actionscript Editor
9.5.5. Aptana IDE
9.6. DB/Research
9.6.1. MyBase
9.6.2. Freemind
9.6.3. ToDo List
9.6.4. FileMaker Pro 4.0
9.6.5. Mindraider
9.7. Flash
9.7.1. xray
9.7.2. swf Live Preview
9.7.3. Extension Manager
9.8. Presentation
9.8.1. PowerPoint
9.8.2. PowerBullet
9.8.3. PowerPoint Viewer 2003
9.8.4. Picasa
9.8.5. SlideRocket
9.8.6. SlideShare
9.9. Screen Capture
9.9.1. Fireshot (Firefox PI)
9.9.2. MWSnapshot
9.9.3. Jing
9.9.4. Snagit
9.10. Animation
9.10.1. Flash
9.10.2. Gif Animator
9.11. Utilities
9.11.1. Winzip 9
9.11.2. Stuffit Expander
9.11.3. Batch File Renamer
9.11.4. File Name Extractor
9.11.5. FolderSize
9.11.6. SpaceMonger
9.12. IM
9.12.1. Trillian
9.12.2. Yahoo
9.12.3. Meebo
9.12.4. Cisco WebEx Connect
9.13. CSS
9.13.1. Stylizer
9.13.2. Topstyle
9.13.3. Balthisar Cascade
9.14. XML
9.14.1. XRay
9.14.2. Altova XML Spy
9.14.3. XML Notepad
9.14.4. XML Mind
9.15. Type
9.15.1. TypeTool
9.15.2. cfontPro
9.16. FTP
9.16.1. BPFTP
9.16.2. CoreFTP
9.17. Visual Patterns
9.17.1. Tesselmania
9.17.2. Knot Plot
9.17.3. Gliftic4
9.17.4. Gloodle
9.17.5. sTile
9.18. 3D
9.18.1. Carrara 2
9.18.2. Bryce 4
9.18.3. Cosmic Blobs
9.19. Video
9.19.1. WinDVD Creator 2
9.19.2. Windows Movie Maker
9.20. Sound
9.20.1. Real Player
9.20.2. Windows Media Player
9.20.3. iTunes
9.20.4. Napster
9.20.5. Sonic Record Now CD Recorder
9.20.6. Toshiba Speech System
9.21. Frameworks
9.21.1. Dojo
9.21.2. Spry
9.21.3. YUI
9.22. Browsers
9.22.1. Firefox
9.22.2. Chrome
9.22.3. IE
9.23. Internet Desktop
9.23.1. Nivio
9.24. Thinkfree
9.25. Wireframing
9.25.1. Axure
9.26. UI utilities
9.26.1. Axialis Icon Workshop
9.26.2. Batch File Renamer
9.26.3. Icon Extractor
9.26.4. Color Pic
10. Diagrams
10.1. DrawAnywhere
10.2. Gliffy
10.3. Lovely Charts
10.4. Creately
10.5. prefuse.org
11. Favicons
11.1. ICO format plugin for Photoshop
11.2. locally in file format plugins, PSD C%
12. File Share
12.1. GoAruna
12.1.1. 2 GB free
12.1.2. drag n'drop uploads
12.2. Google Docs
12.2.1. 1 GB free for docs
12.3. DivShare
12.4. Dropbox
12.4.1. The-ultimate-dropbox-toolkit-guide
12.4.2. 2.25 GB free
12.5. Cozimo
12.5.1. 10MB
12.6. Acrobat.com
12.6.1. 2 GB
12.6.2. Adobe Connect, 2 participants
12.7. Conceptshare
12.7.1. 5 MB
12.7.2. 1 workspace
12.7.3. integration with basecamp
12.8. Senduit
12.8.1. 100MB file size limit
12.8.2. nott a storage site - sending only
12.9. Yousendit
12.9.1. free up to 100MB
12.10. idrivesync
12.10.1. up to 2GB free
12.11. uploadie.com
12.11.1. 500MB
12.11.2. 1 GB free with registration
12.12. dropitto.me
12.12.1. adjunct to Dropbox
12.13. filebouncer.com
12.13.1. send only, no reg required
12.13.2. files up to 1 GB
12.13.3. recipient gets notified with link to download
12.14. posterbee.com
12.14.1. 100MB free
12.15. letscrate.com
12.15.1. 200MB
12.16. ge.tt
12.16.1. direct share
12.16.2. no size limit but inactive files deleted after 3 months
12.17. filesanywhere.com
12.17.1. 1 GB fre
12.18. flameload.com
12.18.1. unlimited but files deleted in 10 days
12.19. WeTransfer
13. Graphic Services
13.1. Preloaders
14. Forms
14.1. WuFoo
14.2. JotForms
15. Graphing
15.1. Many Eyes
15.2. Swivel
15.3. Plotly
15.4. Lyra
16. IM
16.1. Yahoo!IM
16.2. Meebo
16.3. Cataplt
16.4. Trillian
16.5. Google Talk
17. Mail
17.1. SmarterMail
17.2. Xobni
17.3. Yahoo!Mail
17.4. Gmail
17.5. mailus.webex.com
18. Meetings
18.1. DimDim
18.2. WebEx
18.3. MyQuire
18.4. Sametime
18.5. MeBeam
18.6. Connect
18.7. GoToMeeting
18.8. Join Me
19. Modules
19.1. Protopage
19.2. iGoogle
19.3. Netvibes
19.4. Pageflakes
19.5. Tumblr
19.6. Posterous
20. Invoicing
20.1. getharvest.com > Invoicing
21. Assets
21.1. Picasa
21.2. Google Drawings
21.3. XnView
21.4. ImageN
21.5. IrfanView
21.6. Axialis Librarian
21.7. Axialis Media Browser
21.8. StockImages
21.8.1. dreamstime.com
22. Mindmapping
22.1. Mindmeister
22.2. dropmind.com
22.2.1. Silverlight based
22.2.2. $39 for 12 months, 15-day free trial
22.3. Comapping
22.4. MindRaider
22.5. Mindpad
22.6. XMind
22.7. Xmap
22.8. store.inspiration.com > Default
22.9. i-navigation.com > Purchase
22.10. Google Wonder Wheel
22.11. mapul.com
22.12. wisemapping.com > C > AboutUs
22.13. cmap.ihmc.us > Index
22.14. bubbl.us
22.15. zengobi.com > Products > Curio
22.16. weilgut.com > Weilgut2 en.nsf > Id > Pa home mindplan
22.17. deepamehta.de
22.17.1. deepamehta.de > Wiki > En > Welcome to the DeepaMehta Wiki
23. Photos
23.1. Picasa
23.2. Flickr
23.3. Dropbox
24. Screencast recorder
24.1. screencastle.com
24.2. Screencast.com
25. Screenshots
25.1. Jing
25.2. Snagit
25.3. Skitch
25.4. MWSnap
25.5. Snapcasa
25.6. FireShot
25.7. Talon (Aviary FF add-on)
25.8. Aviary
26. Notes
26.1. Acrobat.com
26.2. Voo2Do
26.3. Google Docs
26.4. Evernote
26.5. Manual.ly
26.6. Trello
26.7. socrata
26.7.1. https://www.socrata.com/login
26.8. list.it
26.9. connectedtext.com > Features
27. Projects
27.1. Thinkfree
27.2. Google Docs
27.3. Mindmeister
27.4. Box.net
27.5. Basecamp
27.6. MyQuire
27.7. WebOffice
27.8. check out
27.8.1. ProjectOffice.net
27.8.2. Thinkature
27.8.3. Netcipia
27.8.4. Liquidplanner
27.8.5. Nuospace
27.8.6. Sosius
27.8.7. WebAsyst
27.8.8. Conversate Conversate- lets you create instant online discussion spaces. It's simpler, faster, more polite, and less annoying than group e-mails.
27.8.9. Grouptivity Grouptivity - group e-mail and online discussions GroupMembersOnly- A FREE, private and secure online environment for membership groups, organizations and associations
27.8.10. GroupMembersOnly
27.8.11. Teamtastic Teamtastic - Teamtastic - web sites for teams and clubs with a dash of the fantastic
27.8.12. Collanos Collanos - Collanos workplace, team enabling your computer
27.8.13. Me.Dium Me.Dium - Reveal the hidden world of people and activity behind your browser
27.8.14. CollectiveX CollectiveX- Easily setup a private web site for sharing and keeping your group connected.
27.8.15. FolderShare FolderShare - Find, Access, Share...your files anywhere
27.8.16. Zogix Zogix - WebTop Suite for real time collaboration across an enterprise
27.8.17. SmartQ (informativity.smartQ.com)
27.9. Gantto
27.10. Collaborative Work Project Mgmnt Software
28. PDFs
28.1. Acrobat.com workspaces
28.2. Box.com
29. RSS
29.1. Keotag
29.2. Attensa
29.3. Friendfeed
29.4. socialmedian
29.5. twine
29.6. Google Alerts
29.7. Feed Demon
30. Social
30.1. Linked In
30.2. Twitter
30.3. Behance
30.4. Flickr
30.5. Surfmark
30.6. Friendfeed
30.7. Others
30.7.1. Facebook
30.7.2. Tumblr
30.7.3. Posterous
30.7.4. Connotea
30.7.5. Xobni
30.7.6. Hootsuite
30.7.7. Vis.ualize.us
30.7.8. Public Netvibes
30.7.9. Slideshare
30.7.10. Digg
31. Presentations
31.1. Picasa
31.2. Highslides
31.3. D3
31.4. (reveal)
31.5. (VUE)
31.6. (impress.js)
31.7. (rvol.io)
31.8. Google Presentation
31.9. (Mindmeister)
31.10. SlideRocket
31.10.1. sliderocket.com
31.10.2. 250MB
31.11. Screencast
31.12. Slideshare
31.13. Flickr
31.14. SpaceTime
31.15. Jumpchart
31.16. simplebooklet.com
31.17. Google Docs
31.17.1. You can use Presnter to present slides, docs, etc
31.18. authorstream.com
31.18.1. upload PPT presentations for embedding and sharing
31.18.2. up to 1 GB with free account
31.19. Popplet Presenter
31.19.1. Untitled
31.19.2. Popplet Presenter.lnk
31.20. Empressr.com
31.20.1. up to 300MB for free account
31.21. prezentit.com
31.21.1. up to 250MB for free account
31.21.2. very simple UI