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MU Health Services por Mind Map: MU Health Services

1. Improve Website


1.2. Make site more accessible on MU.EDU or it's own separate site

2. Story Telling

2.1. Images

2.1.1. Patients

2.1.2. Care Givers

2.1.3. Behind the scenes

2.1.4. represent the essence of MNHC

2.2. Pick Subject

2.2.1. Nurses?

2.2.2. Patients?

3. Nurses

3.1. Qualified (but carry stigma that says other wise)

3.2. Represent them as they should be

3.2.1. Doctors without M.D after their name

4. Low Income Care

4.1. part of the neighborhood

4.2. doing something good for all

4.3. almost philanthropic?


5.1. Profits are needed

5.1.1. People with commercialized insurance

5.1.2. Can't keep supporting 85%+ people with government aid

5.2. Where else can money come from?

5.2.1. Donations

5.2.2. Grants

5.3. New Patients

5.3.1. Students?

5.3.2. Professors?

5.3.3. Jesuit society?