Globalization 3.0
by Dan B
1. Insourcing
1.1. Take jobs from a major corporation and give the jobs to house wives and pay cheap
2. Offsourcing
2.1. Helps grow the company in the market place
2.2. Close to the same thing as outsourcing, they move the company over seas
3. Supply Chains
3.1. How corporations interact with one another
3.2. Explain how businesses can do business across the world
4. Work Flow Software
4.1. Connects people around the world doing the same project
4.2. New node
5. End Of Cold War
5.1. At the end of the Cold War the Berlin wall fell
5.2. Connected the world once again
6. Internet
6.1. The internet was about being more connected to one another
6.2. it was also about getting information quickly from one source to another.
7. Uploading
7.1. Allows anyone to upload to the internet with information
7.2. There are three parts of uploading, blogging/podcasting, and community-developed software
8. Informing
8.1. Gives knowledge of a fact or circumstance
9. "Steroids"
9.1. Technological content can be digitized, shaped, manipulated and transmitted virtualy
9.2. This is an easy topic, that can be done at a very high speed
10. Outsourcing
10.1. Outsourcing is the process of taking one job in America to another job elsewere in the world.
10.2. It saves money because smarter people do it for less money