1. Will there be sufficent land available to comprehensively support vibrant + diverse agriculture and food supply?
1.1. Any preservation program helpful to person He is FSLC, MDA
1.2. Protection of farmland by county, comprehensive plan
1.2.1. Camp plans change. Suggest regulations change to do this.
1.3. If we want this to happen we should be planning policies now to help farmers stay on their land
1.3.1. Policies and options are available and being used, transfer to next generation is the issue; is complicated
1.4. Multi-cultural, crop rotation, etc. It's better for the land, more productive (volume x $) per acre but takes far more thought, labor, planning, etc.
1.5. Growing houses is still more immediately profitable than growing endive Incentives?
1.5.1. New tax concepts that allow credit for bettering soil, growing food for the poor, averaging income over multiple years?
1.5.2. Amen
1.5.3. Periodic develops who destroys and lead change zoning to ___ mini farms within developments Consider changing tax cuts
1.6. SUMMARY: Land use of do ability for diverse ag. sector - its retention
2. What will sea level be? Will we still have land?
2.1. 6 inch sea level rise by 2030 – leads to nuisance flooding too
2.2. SUMMARY: Sea level rise
3. Can the monoculture duo (corn and soy) still be in place?
3.1. No
3.2. Yes - bio energy
3.2.1. I hope not
3.2.2. Maybe in less productive areas but not prime farm land
3.3. Probably more GPS
3.4. Summary: farm culture has evolved away from a diverse crops because of need for less labor, and profit, but at huge investment costs. How to evolve?
4. Still driven by chickens?
4.1. Not sustainable
4.1.1. But people will still want to eat eggs and chicken How about egg flavored tofu and new foods such as algae and seaweed reset people's taste at an early age "New" / traditional farming? Pastures, etc. What does waste management look like for CAFO's? Very regulated and monitored, Lots of options small farmers do not have.
4.2. SUMMARY: What to do about chicken industry?
5. What will the population be of the Shore be by 2030? And how will it be distributed? With the same inequity.
5.1. Shore needs job - food system can employ many.
5.2. How should govt. subsidy money be structured.
5.2.1. Good luck with that one.
5.3. Money for what? Farm subsidy or entitlement.
5.3.1. Yes
5.4. Who will make up the pop.? Will we continue to grow the Pop.? Or address the infrastructure needs to ensure that young families and professionals can live here.
5.4.1. Young families really love the Shore! Lower cost-of-living, high quality of life and community relative to DC, western shore etc. Agreed, but some cannot afford to live here. Children have grown up here often, don't come back because of housing cost and wages. In our region Southern MD - lack of high speed affordable internet access is also a limitation to children staying in our communities starting businesses, including Farms
5.5. New Topic
5.6. SUMMARY: Demographics and culture who will live here? Who can afford to live here? Will we have workers on farms, immigrant/visa, local work for that needs to be drained
6. Are local farm products affordably accessible in the market place?
6.1. What is affordable? % income for food should increase.
6.1.1. low income consumers should not have to choose between enough food and quality food I hear students constantly talking about this issue, "Ramen is cheap, so are dollar meals. Organic is for rich people." Education Image perceptions Teach them to cook There is a school in South Africa that takes individuals from The various parts of south Africa and teaches them how to grow/raise their own food. Then they go back to their community to educate their community. It is not nutrittion until it is eaten. Education is a must for families the schools cannot do it alone. Better quality of foods from USDA to fed aid kids so true, most of us would be appalled to eat the subsided lunches-need to work on USDa and others to make change policies to include more local foods!
6.2. What will the market places of 2030 look like?
6.2.1. Mixed opinions. Dollar Generals sell local? Farmer markets still here. Less Dollar Generals!
6.2.2. Supplies increase demand, people will buy if land is available If they know what to do with it. Produce food trucks delivering produce to remote areas of Delmarva Innovative SNAP needed to allow farmers to profit and poor to afford
6.2.3. Challenge of seasonally available and rotating produce, market is a custom too consistent year – around Look to Europe
6.3. Summary: market outlets need to become diverse – food trucks, Dollar General's? For low income population access – at the same time food must be priced so farmers can be profitable: distribution
7. We will either have attracted young farmers to this area, or we won't be relying on our own agriculture
7.1. Greater number of famers/ag professionals per capita? More smaller farms or bigger?
7.2. How can we lower the cost of buying a farm?
7.2.1. Expand our ideas about what is available and who can use it
7.2.2. and farm equipment?
7.3. Balt.Co. has a group of investors whose sole purpose is to purchase farmland w/ private money plus state/local programs when development threat rises
7.3.1. Iromic if Baltimore brought food to the shore
7.3.2. The what? Beginning farmers?
8. No food insecurity because we have such productive farmland
8.1. Distribution is key, food outlets needed for low income areas
8.1.1. produce ___ employment
8.2. Security is more than quality and productive farmland, it is also security for source water supply and making sure those coming from other countries know what needs to be done to maintain security
8.2.1. so approach ES holistically
8.2.2. local utilities companies can be more resiliant with (divergified) and modern tech and equipment federal money wind, solar, etc. wind is a myth
9. diversified crops because monoculture is bad for soil, water
9.1. what will farmers do with exspensive equipment? what markets are available?
9.1.1. exspensive equipment is one ayer, High cost of labor for specialized practice is another. agree! growing using high tunnels or hoop houses for rediuced labor requirements, lower water use, HIGH VALUE crops can help-its been proven elsewhere as successful What are alternate growing strategies and needs of developing on diversifiedtechnology enabled form practice? what about greenhouse AG? year long growing.
9.2. need both LG commercial and smaller sized-Niche farms for all income recipients and markets
10. export off the island
10.1. How for lots of people in area need to change behavior of consumers to support local growers
10.1.1. agreed
10.1.2. behavior doesn't charge without education start young and work out education/marketing of valor added products increse sales to MD, VA, PA, DC
10.2. export what?
10.2.1. why? we have people here to take care of need to look out for one another. Unless surplus is massive. Like oysters used to be? How can we produce sustainably for export? Expand shellfish agriculture – oyster farming!