1. I Skills needed for reading comprehension
1.1. A Connecting letters and sounds
1.1.1. Students need to be able to recognize the letters, their sounds and word spelling
1.2. B Decoding the text
1.2.1. Children need to develop an understanding that words have meaning and need to accurately pronounce words
1.3. C Understanding the text
1.3.1. It is important that students learn how to visualize a text in order to understand how writers construct meaning through the features they choose, so the student can apply it the correct way.
2. II Enhancing comprehension
2.1. A Strategic reading
2.1.1. Comprehension strategy instruction help students to make sense of text.
2.2. B Vocabulary
2.2.1. Vocabulary development is pivotal to developing strong reading skills
2.3. C Writing skills
2.3.1. Writing helps students apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information beyond just memorizing or knowing it
3. III Critical elements for an effective reading program
3.1. A The teaching of reading and writing must be effective
3.1.1. Effective elementary literacy instruction develops students' linguistic and cognitive abilities, which each Students must be provided with, if they are to achieve success
3.2. B Increasing Opportunities for Practice
3.2.1. Teachers should provide opportunities for students to engage in discussions of the meaning and interpretation of texts as one important way to improve their reading comprehension
3.3. C Applying Skills and Strategies in reading and writing
3.3.1. Students need the opportunity to apply word identification and spelling skills as they read and write a connected text.