the face of a patient – what does it tell us about neurological diseases?

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the face of a patient – what does it tell us about neurological diseases? by Mind Map: the face of a patient – what does it tell us about neurological diseases?

1. Navigation

1.1. EFNS Conference overview

1.2. Free Teaching Course overview

2. Our face is

2.1. Determined genetically

2.2. Determined by diseases

3. Central lesions vs peripheral lesions

3.1. Facial nerve branches

3.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

3.2. After Ischaemia

3.2.1. Deviation conjugee to the right after ischaemia of right precentral region Clinical picture removed pending authorization

3.2.2. Note Left central facial palsy Clinical picture removed pending authorization

3.2.3. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

3.3. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

4. Proptosis

4.1. High venous pressure behind eyebulb

4.1.1. Sinus Cavernosus Fistula of the cavernosus sinus after head trauma You could "listen" to the head and hear ruits

4.2. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

5. Polyneuropathy & hairloss

5.1. Thallium poisoning

5.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

6. Swollen Temporal Artery

6.1. Arteriitis temporalis

6.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

7. Marcus-Gunn-Phenomenon

7.1. "Winking Jaw"

7.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

7.2. Congenital innervation defect

8. Harlequin Syndrome

8.1. Loss of autonomic innervation

8.2. Sometimes after a dissection

8.3. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

9. Take home message

9.1. Listen to the patient

9.2. Look at the patient

10. Horner

10.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

11. Neuro-Muscular

11.1. Myasthenia Gravis

11.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

12. Dystrophic Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy

12.1. More signs of atrophy

12.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

12.2. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

13. congenital

13.1. Agenisis of a facial muscle

13.1.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization

13.2. hemi atrophia facialis

13.2.1. Clinical picture removed pending authorization