The Outsiders

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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The Outsiders por Mind Map: The Outsiders

1. Author

1.1. Susan Eloise Hinton

1.2. July 22,1948-present

1.3. American

1.4. Two gangs always fighting

2. General Info

2.1. Fiction

2.2. English

2.3. Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965

2.4. April 24 1967

3. Plot

3.1. There are two types of people greasers and soc's

3.2. One is always proving the other

3.3. they are constantly fighting

3.4. They have a rumble

3.5. greaser's win

3.6. They stop fighting.

4. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

4.1. always trust a friend

4.2. Symbols

4.3. Allusion

5. Vocabulary

5.1. 1-3

5.1.1. Soc: A spoiled rich kid who causes trouble but never gets punished. Soc: there wasnt a dictonary def. "We get jumped by the Socs...The jet set, The west side rich kids

5.1.2. fuzz: the police Fuzz: The police "... nobody in his right mind wants to be around when the fuzz show"

5.2. 4-6

5.2.1. Haze: vision Haze: A certain strain of weed(only one I can find) "...a red haze filled my mind..."

5.2.2. Groggy: Tired Groggy: dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow. "I was still groggy."

5.3. 7-9

5.3.1. Appeal: Funny Appeal: make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public. ''That was public appeal..."

5.3.2. Outfit: gang Outfit: A gang "Not since we whipped Tim Shepards outfit"

5.4. 10-12

5.4.1. Heater: A gun Heater: gun "...he pulled out a heater"

5.4.2. : : ""

6. Characters

6.1. Ponyboy

6.2. Jonhny

6.3. Soc Vs Greaser

7. Summary

7.1. In chapters one through three Ponyboy is jumped by Some Soc's on his way home from the movies, but luckily he is saved by his gang before any real damage is done. This causes Ponyboy and his older brother Darry to fight. So Pony boy runs away with Johnny only to be jumped again by Soc's. This time a Soc is trying to kill him so Johnny freaks out and kills the soc causing the other ones to run away. This makes the to boys go into hiding since they are now wanted for murder.

7.2. In chapters 4-6 they seek refuge from dally because of the crime they committed. Dally tells them of a abandoned church and they gives them a gun money and a jacket for the trip. They find the church and camp out their for a little over a week waiting for Dally he eventually comes and takes the boys to a diner to eat. They return to the church to find it on fire and several children are trapped inside. The boys run inside the burning church to save them, but Ponyboy is rendered unconscious by the fumes. At the hospital he discovers that he and Dally are not badly injured, but a piece of the church roof fell on Johnny and broke his back. Sodapop and Darry come to the hospital; Darry breaks down and cries. Ponyboy then realizes that Darry cares about him, and is only hard on Ponyboy because he wants him to have a good future.

7.3. In chapters 7-9 The reporters and police interview Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry in the hospital waiting room. The doctors finally emerge and say that Dally will be fine but that Johnny’s back was broken when the roof caved in. Even if Johnny survives, they add, he will be permanently crippled.The reporters and police interview Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry in the hospital waiting room. Sodapop jokes with the reporters and hospital staff, keeping the mood light with his antics. The doctors finally emerge and say that Dally will be fine but that Johnny’s back was broken when the roof caved in. Even if Johnny survives, they add, he will be permanently crippled.

7.4. In chapters 10-12 The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return home with his brothers. After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed. His grades suffer, he loses his coordination, memory, and appetite, and he resumes fighting with Darry. Ponyboy’s English teacher, Mr. Syme, says that although Ponyboy is failing, he can raise his grade to a C by writing an outstanding autobiographical theme. The next day at lunch, Ponyboy goes to the grocery store with Steve and Two-Bit for candy bars and Cokes. When a group of Socs accosts him, he threatens them with a broken bottle, saying he refuses to take any more of their intimidation. Ponyboy’s uncharacteristic show of hostility alarms Steve and Two-Bit, and they warn Ponyboy not to grow hard like Dally was. They are relieved when Ponyboy bends down to pick up the broken glass, not wanting anyone to get a flat tire.