The Life of A Mentor

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The Life of A Mentor by Mind Map: The Life of A Mentor

1. Primary Mentoring

1.1. New Mentees

1.1.1. Orienting students to ESC

1.1.2. Tour Guide of MyESC

1.1.3. Discuss Mentoring Relationship Get to know student

1.1.4. Review application, transcripts, writing sample, etc.

1.1.5. 1st enrollment Ask NEC faculty permission if necessary; facilitate special enrollments (find tutors, etc.)

1.1.6. Tour Guide of Term Guide and LOI

1.1.7. Preview Educational Planning Discuss possible PLA topics Discuss General Education Requirements Begin Possible AOS/Concentration Discussion

1.1.8. Ensuring 1st enrollment success (Smarthinking, online writing resources, workshops, DAS, Learning Coaches, advising students on tutor-student communication, etc.)

1.2. All Mentees

1.2.1. Advising students on enrollments Ask NEC faculty permission if necessary Facilitate special enrollments (find tutors, etc.) Review registrations per term (RegReview) Enter TIS's (RegReview)

1.2.2. Working towards continuing success (Smarthinking, online writing resources, workshops, DAS, Learning Coaches, advising students on tutor-student communication)

1.2.3. Helping students with questions regarding grades, CE's, financial aid, etc.

1.2.4. Managing Cross Registrations

1.2.5. Approve LC's and CE's (Doc Pak)

1.2.6. Review student progress towards degree (Doc Pak)

1.2.7. Graduating Students - review files and check concurred DP's; communicate with Assessment Office

1.2.8. Track and help students with SAP troubles

1.2.9. Help students solve problems with Student Services

1.3. Educational Planning

1.3.1. Goals and Processes Student Goals and Research

1.3.2. Understanding AOS's

1.3.3. Understanding and/or developing Concentrations

1.3.4. Understanding and following Gen Ed Guidelines Determine Student's Matriculation Date (NotesDP) Follow up on all non-GETA possible Gen Eds

1.3.5. PLA's Developing Topics Reviewing Essays Tracking PLA Planner

1.3.6. Degree Plan Transcripts PLA's ESC Studies Rationale Essay Proofread transcript entries, PLA essays, ESC Studies, credit amounts, rationale, etc.

1.4. Students Going to COAR and OCAR

1.4.1. Review student's DP prior to COAR meeting

1.4.2. Answer Assessment Committee member questions

1.4.3. Discuss/negotiate changes to DP with Assessment Office

1.4.4. Address changes recommended or required by COAR

1.4.5. Track portfolio through NEC Committee to OCAR

1.4.6. Ensure student follows DP after concurrence

2. Mentoring as Teaching

2.1. Researching and Designing Studies (alone or with other faculty)

2.2. Designing TIS's with students

2.3. Writing and Posting LC's

2.4. Managing student learning throughout term

2.5. updating ANGEL

2.6. Grading/responding to student work

2.7. Writing and Posting CE's

2.8. Managing Incompletes

2.9. Update LOI regularly


2.10.1. Independent Studies Blended Studies Non-Blended Studies

2.10.2. Totally Independent Studies Blended Studies Non-Blended Studies

2.10.3. Residencies Develop Manage/Teach Blended Studies Non-Blended Studies

2.10.4. Group Studies Blended Studies Non-Blended Studies

2.10.5. Online Studies

3. Center Service

3.1. Committees / Task Groups

3.2. Mentoring New Mentors

3.3. Center Meetings

4. College Service

4.1. Committees

4.2. AOS Convenors

4.2.1. Set agenda and chair AAOS meetings

4.2.2. Update AOS website

4.2.3. Facilitate new mentors in AOS

4.2.4. Curate AOS sessions for AAOS and All College

4.2.5. Work with OAA, Collegewide Committees, Faculty Conference. etc.

4.3. C-PIE Assessment

4.3.1. GEAR

4.3.2. Assessment in the Major

4.3.3. General Education

4.4. Collegewide Meetings

4.4.1. Developing Sessions for AAOS and All College

4.4.2. Participating in AAOS, All College, Academic Conference

5. Scholarship

5.1. Writing Projects

5.2. Performance Projects

5.3. Research Projects

5.4. Conference Proposals

5.5. Conference Presentations

5.6. Developing projects with other mentors

6. Community Service

6.1. Editor of local organization's newsletter

6.2. Volunteer Work

7. Faculty Reviews

7.1. Fac. Report and Plan

7.2. 1st Year Review

7.3. Subsequent Year Reviews

7.4. Tenure and Promotion Reviews

7.5. Sabbatical Applications

7.6. Reassignment Applications

8. Unit Coordinator

8.1. Technology (computers, phones, printers, copiers)

8.2. Supplies

8.3. Office Equipment (furniture, etc.)

8.4. Building Management/Relationships

8.5. Supervision of Support Staff

8.6. Acquisition of New Office/Study Group Meeting Space

8.7. Finding and Managing Adjuncts

8.8. Coordinating Student Support with Center

9. New Mentors

9.1. New Mentor Orientation (residencies and phone calls)

9.2. Boot Camp

9.3. Shadowing other Mentors

9.4. Attending COAR meetings

9.5. Developing New Studies

10. Nuts & Bolts / Miscellaneous

10.1. Time sheets

10.2. Applying for Faculty Dev Funds or UUP/IDA Funds

10.3. Conference travel arrangements

10.4. Travel vouchers

10.5. Technology training

10.6. Updating and sharing areas of expertise and accomplishments with others in college (Mentor Directory, CML Website, etc.)

10.7. Creating and updating Commons website

10.8. Technology needs (computer upgrades, fixes, etc.)

10.9. Physical plant needs (i.e. furniture, temperature, bldg mgmt., etc.)

10.10. Following up on questions to administrators and/or staff

10.11. Facilitating questions and needs of non-matriculated students

10.12. Consulting with mentors, administrators and/or staff on a range of issues

10.13. Collegiality (lunches, parties, sharing stories, etc.)

10.14. ESC Net - reading news, updates, announcements, etc.

11. Personal Life

11.1. Family

11.2. Friends

11.3. Exercising

11.4. Gardening

11.5. Cooking

11.6. Movies/Plays

11.7. Reading Books