Automotive Repair Site Redesign

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Automotive Repair Site Redesign by Mind Map: Automotive Repair Site Redesign

1. Maintain contact

1.1. RSS Feeds

1.1.1. REQUIRES: content suitable for feeds

1.2. Offer visitors email subscription options: - product catalogs - local events - coupons - sales

2. Audience Segmentation

2.1. DIY

2.2. Flat Tire

2.3. Regular Service

2.4. Automotive Industry

2.5. Ad-hoc Service

3. Browser Requirements

3.1. Mac

3.2. Windows

3.3. Android

3.4. iDevices

3.5. Other Mobile

4. Visual Design

4.1. TBD

5. Segmentation

6. Functionality (Current)

6.1. Store Finder

6.2. Product Browser

6.3. Service Browser

6.4. Our Guarantees

6.5. Careers

6.6. About Us

7. Strategy

7.1. Streamline Finding

7.1.1. website: Expose most used, most profitable choices

7.1.2. website: Offer visitors a clear mental model of site structure

7.2. Reward customer loyalty

7.2.1. Special sales

7.2.2. Discounts

7.2.3. Loyalty cards

7.2.4. Advance access to desirable new products

8. Future site/service enhancements

8.1. Online Service Appointment Management

8.2. Online Parts Ordering & Fulfillment

8.3. Store Finder Enhancements

8.4. Email Subscriptions

8.4.1. New catalogs

8.4.2. Store events

8.4.3. Coupons & Sales

8.4.4. Contests (User-generated content) REQUIRES: moderation rules display venue

8.5. Mobile App

8.5.1. Nearest Store Finder w/ Phone dialer

8.5.2. Find Towing

8.5.3. Mobile appointment management

8.6. RSS feeds

8.6.1. new products

8.6.2. sales

8.6.3. store events

8.6.4. exclusive coupons

8.6.5. store openings

8.6.6. new services

8.6.7. user-generated content (moderation REQUIRED) car photos 'fave product' reviews