Week 3 Readings Group 1 (900)

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Week 3 Readings Group 1 (900) by Mind Map: Week 3 Readings Group 1 (900)

1. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a great way to incorporate higher order think skills into the classroom. S Ruggiero

1.1. I couldn't Agree more, when thinking of incorporating technology blooms digital taxonomy is a great way to bring higher order thinking skills into the classroom. - Joanthan Price

1.1.1. It is important to challenge students and including higher order thinking in lesson plans will accomplish this. Digital Blooms is a great starting point for determining the many ways we can challenge our students. - J. Bechaver

2. I absolutely LOVE Blooms Taxonomy, I was introduced to this and Gardners Multiple Intelegences as a tool for Lesson Planning, specifically writing objectives amd differentiating curriculum. Using the keywords introduced by Blooms shows a conscious effort to facilitate higher level thinking L.Williams

2.1. I also love utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy for lesson planning. When lesson planning, I always referred to a list of higher order thinking words that helped me create more effective lessons.

3. Draft of ISTE Standards for Students

3.1. I think that giving the students a chance to read and understand the ISTE standards is a great idea. letting them in on how or what we are looking for as teachers can be very valuable - Jonathan Price

3.1.1. Jonthan, I agree that having the students know the standards is a great idea. I always do this with common core standards and I make sure to find a kid friendly version of the standard, so they really understand what they will be learning. Spina

3.1.2. Depending on the grade level, creating anchor charts with objectives may be more appropriate. In kindergarten i feel it is best to write in short sentences and include imagery in order for students to comprehend. Great idea Jonathan! - J. Bechaver

3.2. I really like the changes made to the ISTE Standards for Students - number 6 is particularly important for us as students - collaborating globally, I have had to work with peers in this Drexel program who are in other time zones and even countries so being able to use collaborative online resourses is very important I actually really like this one, its easy to use and easy to organize. L. Williams

3.2.1. L. Williams you make a great point, with Collaborating globally we can tap into resources and ideas outside of our local communities. This is a great tool. - Jonathan Price

4. ISTE Standards

4.1. Much has changed in the education and technology worlds since the current standards were published back in 2007. Z. VELYKIS

4.1.1. This is pretty cool...I can see Lara adding comments at the same time. We are simultaneously collaborating ideas and thoughts. Z. VELYKIS This is certainly an excellent real-time collaborative tool for just about anything one might want to work on with others online! - L. Beeson

4.2. I think that the newest draft of the ISTE is reflecting how much more we have realized that technology can be utilized by students in schools, to develop their overall knowledge. - L. Beeson

5. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

5.1. Great that it has new behaviors and action but it does not included different technology skills. S. Ruggiero

5.2. This is useful for lesson planning, rubric making, and any other teacher-oriented task requiring planning and assessment strategies.. Z. VELYKIS

5.2.1. thanks for mentioning rubrics! I never really thought about how Blooms would help in making a rubrics but this is great. Rubrics are kind of new to me as they werent really a tool we used in assement when i first started in education but i have grown to appreciate the detail and explanations so Blooms is a great tool to word the different "levels" of understanding we are looking to be demonstrated. L/ Williams

5.3. I think the this version of blooms taxonomy is great, it helps teacher integrate technology through out lesson plans like never before. - Jonathan Price

5.4. I really like that in the Revised Bloom's Digital Taxonomy the website lists each component the digital resources you can utilize. I have found that myself and other teachers are not always sure which specific digital resources are best for teaching higher order thinking. This makes it easy. Spina

5.5. http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom's+Digital+Taxonomy J. Bechaver

5.6. I think it is great that Bloom's is relevant to 21 century education. I like that the website provides a list of collaborative tools! J.Bechaver

5.6.1. I really appreciate that Bloom's was expanded and including the Digital perspective, and it is so important to developing students' higher thinking skills. One of the best parts of the Digital taxonomy are the website or applications suggested within it. - L.Beeson

5.7. http://billsteachingnotes.wikispaces.com/file/view/BLOOM+%26+GARDNER+MATRIX+4+PAGES.pdf

6. I started by adding a few categories. Please, add more as you feel they are necessary to create a map of this week's readings. Build on what I have started and continue throughout the week to build on each others' bubbles. DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR BUBBLE. - Dr. Fritz

6.1. Understanding that "taxonomy" and "classification" are synonymous helps dispel uneasiness with the term. Bloom's Taxonomy is a multi-tiered model of classifying thinking according to six cognitive levels of complexity. Throughout the years, the levels have often been depicted as a stairway, leading many teachers to encourage their students to "climb to a higher (level of) thought." Educational Psychology 101 - Holy Family University. Z. VELYKIS

6.1.1. Hey Z, i really like this quote, i think that it is beyond important that we use bloom's taxonomy to help push our students to climb and reach their potential -Jonathan Price

6.1.2. I have heard this quote before because I went to Holy Family University but being able to read it I am able to understand better. S. Ruggiero

6.2. To add a Bubble - click on the bubble you want to add ideas to then click on the Plus sign at the top of the page An empty bubble should appear. -Dr. Fritz


7.1. I think I figured it out :) S. Ruggiero

7.2. This is a GREAT TOOL :) - can you print - I see how large the layout is, but is there a way to print this on one page say to turn in (if we were in a brick and mortar program)? L. Williams

7.2.1. There is a print button at the bottom right of this screen. Click on it and you will see different choice. Experiment with it - I have never printed a map. It looks like you can make it print to the size page you want! - Dr. Fritz

7.2.2. That would be such a great idea. I am going to play round with it because it would be cool to do able to print. Teachers can brainstorm together for a meeting and could print it out to discuss in person. Great tool for us to collaborate. S. Ruggiero Printing a small web would probably work really nicely. However I would have to guess for a large one with many contributions you would probably have to print out multiple pages and "paste" them together to make a larger page out of several. C. Cruz

7.3. Did you see that I somehow mad a comment that placed an icon on the "draft of ISTE standards for students" bubble. I am not 100% sure how I did it though. C. Cruz

8. How do we get to line up the bubbles with the correct bubble? For example I tried putting this question under the questions bubble. S. Ruggiero

8.1. Click on the bubble that you want your thought (bubble) to come off of and then click the plus sign at the top of this screen. -Dr. Fritz


9.1. "There is a difference between the student who can sit and play a game versus a student who can critically evaluate the information that he is seeing online." - De Abreu pg. 26 - J. Bechaver

9.1.1. That is a great quote. It sums up the difference between a child using the internet to learn and those that only use them for non-learning games. Although, one benefit to those games is when students chat with friends throughout the world, which many times leads them to chatting about other topics then the games. Spina

9.2. "Collaboration is not a 21st Century Skill, it is a 21st Century Essential." -Bloom's website J. Bechaver

9.2.1. YES YES! to me this quote points both towards and away from technology. I think we a missing out on certain nuances of human interaction formed through working together, face to face. At the same time these collaborative software and programs are so cool - Im all about balance in the classroom L. Williams Last quarter I completed a group project using OOVOO to collaborate. We were able to see one another in real time which added a personal component that was lacking up to that point. Must of us knew each other from the images we had and the descriptions we provided each quarter. There are many great ways to collaborate using technology. - J. Bechaver

9.3. "Teachers need to find a way into those worlds in order to connect with students and leverage their existing skills and passion for educational purposes." De Abreu, pg. 55 - L. Beeson

9.4. “There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” - Nancy Kassebaum - Jonathan Price

9.4.1. I like this quote as it stresses the importance of effectively utilizing the resources we have available. There are infinite resources out there for teachers, successfully utilizing them to aid students in their education is the challenge. – J. Bechaver

10. How could you use a tool like this (mindmeister) to harness the power of social media & collaboration in a classroom?

10.1. My middle school students love social media and use it every single day. My students also love getting out of their seats and going to the computer lab. Using mindmeister would allow them to collaborate effectively with each other with group assignments. Z. VELYKIS

10.1.1. Yes - if you try it out, let us know how it goes! -Dr. Fritz

10.1.2. Could they use it at home, too?-Dr. Fritz

10.2. Mindmeister is a great tool to brainstorm ideas. I think when paired with a fun project kids would love to play with this app. As a teacher, you can easily use it to bounce ideas back a forth between other teachers as well. This is just a great collaborative tool for any and everyone. - Jonathan Price

10.2.1. Mr. Price,

10.2.2. Excellent point with regard to bouncing ideas back and forth between teachers. I plan on using it in my PLN...I am sure my peers will feel the same way ! Z. VELYKIS I also plan to suggest using this with my colleagues at school, and would be able to map out ideas for our grade level Friday afternoon meetings, so we would know what all we might need to talk about or plan for ahead of the actual meeting. - L. Beeson Invite your peers to add to your map to help plan the agenda for the meeting or add resources:). -Dr. Fritz

10.2.3. Jonathan I think you are right - this is a great tool for collaboration. I do, however find that many of the teachers at the school I am doing student teaching at are not necessarily the most comfortable with using technology or may not know the resources out there or even have a desire to learn a new tool on top of all they have to deal with. I think it is a great tool. Maybe one of the PD teachers go to should be collaborative programs for teachers AND students - teach THEM something new. L. Williams

10.3. I agree that Mindmeister is a great tool for online collaboration. I would have loved to use this tool for students working together on group projects. I think it could also be a great tool for creating groups were students can create notes together and study for exams. I would also like to use it to have discussions with parents. Many times it is hard to get parents together at one set time. This would allow more parent involvement. Spina

10.4. I think this is a fantastic tool for collaborating on a project, as it gives: 1. accessibility to one another at all times. 2. a place to compile your thought. 3. allows for mapping of key points from the beginning. 4. Monitoring participation from a teacher's viewpoint. J. Bechaver

10.4.1. I can actually be on the website at the same time the students are and I can monitor their work from my own workstation. This will also eliminate the need for paper and files. I can grade their work directly from their collaborative map. Z. VELYKIS In the bottom left of the screen - everyone should be able to see a timer icon (looks similar to a clock). This shows you the history of the editing process and allows you to go back in time, too! -Dr. Fritz I really underestimated this program because I have never used it. I played around a little at the beginning of the week but i think once i become more familiar I could have my student really excel with this program. S. Ruggiero

10.4.2. I did not think about the major benefit of the teacher being able to monitor the participation. This also allows for the teacher to provide feedback and guide the students during the projects development. Spina

10.5. I had a science teacher use this tool to show a process. He put key words in the map - and the students had to add the rest to model the process. He actually used it as an assessment tool at the end of a unit. -Dr. Fritz

10.6. I came across a review of the MindMeister app... http://iapps.web.unc.edu/2015/03/13/mindmeister-pros-cons/

11. This is a great tool to brainstorm different ideas. This would be good i the classroom for projects or even buisessness could use this tool - S Ruggiero

11.1. This would also be a great tool for people involved in direct marketing. It is an easy way to brainstorm with people located in numerous locations. Spina

12. I really wish I had known about Mindmeister when I had to do group projects for school previously. I can see this as an excellent tool, to collaborate with other teachers, to brainstorm lessons and activities! - L. Beeson

12.1. I agree! If I had this tool for a past class to brainstorm I think it would have gone more smoothly. Especially since I was working with people from all over the country at the time. - C Cruz

13. I am so loving the potential of this tool within my life. I am dying to recommend it to friends and colleagues! Thank you Dr. Fritz! - L. Beeson

13.1. Same, I can;t wait to start sharing this with friends and family. this tool is great for education but can be useful on a more personally level as well. - Jonathan Price

14. I am thinking that this would work really well for group projects for students that are in middle and high school. I am not certain about how elementary kids would do with this. It might work if is were kept very simple. C. Cruz

14.1. Yes - it does work. A lot of my elementary teachers also use bubbl.us - which is another collaborative concept mapping tool. Think of putting this at a center or use it for homework (if kids have access). You could put a word in the center (-est) and have them brainstorm all the words they could make that end in -est.... just one very simple idea!-Dr. Fritz

14.1.1. Dr. Fritz, That is a really good idea. It could be a fun way for the students to interact with each other at home. - S. Ruggiero I might have to try to think of some type of activity to try at home with a few people, just to see if the theory would work before I tried it at school. I know that we can use google books for class time if we sign them out in advance. Thanks C. Cruz