Socratic Dialogue

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Socratic Dialogue by Mind Map: Socratic Dialogue

1. Thrasymachus

1.1. T: What is justice? The interest of the stronger.

1.2. S: What does stronger mean?

1.3. T: Interest of the stronger ruler.

1.4. S: What if the ruler makes a bad law? Actually leads to injustice.

2. Euthyphro

2.1. E: Prosecuting the evil

2.2. S: Generic definition of the concept - Holiness - Piety

2.3. E: What is loved by the gods

2.4. E: The gods love justice

2.5. S: Generic definition of the concept - Holiness - Piety

2.6. S: Which comes first, holiness - on being loved by the gods?

2.7. S: Holiness is a part of justice

2.8. E: Providing a service or benefit to gods

2.9. S: What can we give to the gods?

2.10. E: What is loved by the gods

3. Meno

3.1. M: Can you tell me, Socrates, whether virtue is acquired by teaching or by practice; or if neither by teaching nor practice, then whether it comes to man by nature, or in what other way?

3.1.1. Basically: Through which way can one achieve virtue? -teaching -nature -practice

3.2. M's definition of virtue: "Virtue is the power of all mankind."

3.2.1. S: Problems with that: -slaves -kids -nothing about justice

3.3. M's new definition: "Virtue is the desire of things honorable and the power of attaining them.

3.4. S: And, in your opinion, do these who think that they will do them good know that they are evils?

3.5. S: How one becomes virtuous: eliminate ignorance

3.5.1. S's definition of virtue: anamnesis (recollection of truth)

3.6. S: You can't just choose one of the three ways (teaching, nature, practice). You need to do all three.