Socratic Dialogues
by Asha Lewis
1. S: So what can we give the gods?
2. E: Well providing a service because the gods love justice and holiness is a part of justice
3. S: So which comes first? holiness or being loved by the gods?
4. E: What is loved by the gods
5. S: What if the gods disagree with what your are doing?
6. S: What is the generic concept of holiness (piety)
6.1. E: Prosecuting the evil
7. The argument begins to go in circles
8. What does stronger mean?
8.1. T:stronger government to rule the weak
9. T: What is justice? The interest of the stronger
9.1. New node
10. S: What if a ruler creates a law that is bad and the people follow him because they are "weak" is that justice?