1. Collaboration
1.1. Objectives
1.1.1. Objective: Grade 5 English 1.1.1 Express Ideas Use personal experiences as a basis for exploring, predicting, and expressing opinions and understanding.
1.1.2. Objective: ICT: Cognitive Domain C-3.1 adjusts communication based on self-evaluation and feedback from a global audience
1.1.3. Objective: ICT: Affective Domain Co-3.2 weighs benefits and challenges of collaborating on learning with ICT
1.2. Prerequisites
1.2.1. Lessons and assignments exploring identity can have taken place prior to this lesson, however, this can also be a lesson used as a starter to your English Unit on Identity.
1.2.2. Goals: Students explore their personal experiences, and emotions that connect them to the poem in order to understand their self identity
1.3. Notes
1.3.1. Activate: students will look at pictures of famous artwork, expressing the artists identity.
1.3.2. Acquire: Students will read a poem on idenity and discuss as a class the authors meaning within the poem
1.3.3. Apply: Students will enter their own personal response on the poem into the classes Google Doc.
1.3.4. Method of Evaluation: mark will be given for entering a personal response onto Google Docs. I will give Feedback under each student's response, however, students are also evaluated on the depth of their response.
1.4. Resources
1.4.1. Materials: Manitoba Curriculum, ICT Continnum, Computers for students to use
1.4.2. People: Myself and Students
1.4.3. Facilities: May have to book the computer lab or portable computers for students to use
2. Maps
2.1. Objectives
2.1.1. Objective: Grade 5: Social Studies KL-020 Locate on a map of Canada places and regions of historical significance to the fur trade and the Métis Nation.
2.1.2. Objective: ICT: Cognitive Domain Pr-3.1 designs and creates non-sequential ICT representations
2.1.3. Objective: ICT: Affective Domain E-3.2 weighs personal benefits and risks of using ICT
2.2. Prerequisites
2.2.1. Previous lessons will have happened outlining why Europeans expanded into Canada, and their relationships with First Nations People. lessons on what the fur trade was all about will have also happened previously to this lesson so students understand what they are researching and plotting on a map.
2.2.2. a lesson showing students how to use Google Maps will have happened one lesson prior to this lesson to ensure students know how to use Google Maps when given the assignment to plot the locations of the fur trading posts.
2.3. Notes
2.3.1. Activate: students will watch a video on First Nations and European Fur trade.
2.3.2. Acquire: Different First Nations tribes lived along different areas of Canada, hunting and living off of different resources in which that area of land provided. These First Nations groups will be outlined on a paper copy map of Canada as a class, along with what animals are hunted by each group.
2.3.3. Apply: As European's began to explore Canada, they set up more fur trade posts across the lands to bring in more animals and resources. Instead of plotting these trade posts on the same paper copy map that the students plotted the First Nations tribes on, students will plot the locations of 5 trade posts on a Google Map of Canada
2.3.4. Evaluation: the paper assignment given for locating areas of First Nations tribes and animals will be handed in, and the Google Maps portion of this lesson will evaluated with a Check-list Feedback. the checklist will ensure students picked 5 trade posts within Canada, proper spelling, and correct locations.
2.4. Resources
2.4.1. People: myself, students, any required EA's, and librarian for assistance on books students need for research
2.4.2. Materials: computers, map of Canada, and any library materials the students choose to use in addition to computer searches on the First Nations tribes, animals hunted, items traded, and locations of the fur trading posts. Manitoba and ICT Curriculum
2.4.3. Facilities: if there are no laptop carts that allow students to work on the assignments in class, I will have to ensure the computer lab within the school is booked for the period needed.
3. Videos
3.1. Objectives
3.1.1. Objective: Kindergarten Math K.PR.1Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by identifying reproducing extending creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds, and actions.
3.1.2. Objective: ICT: Cognitive Domain Pr-3.2 self-assesses ICT representations to go beyond established criteria by enhancing meaning and/or artistry, according to topic, audience, purpose, and occasion
3.1.3. Objective: Affective Domain E-3.1 evaluates effects of personal ICT behaviour on others
3.2. Prerequisites
3.2.1. Goals: this is the beginning lesson to the unit of Patterns and Relations within a Kindergarten Math class
3.3. Notes
3.3.1. Activate: play a the game "Jump/Shake". Students are to stand up and space out. I will tell the students, in a pattern/alternating sequence, to Jump/Shake. After having students Jump/Shake a few times that they have caught on to what I will call out, discuss with them how this is what we call a pattern.
3.3.2. Acquire: Students will then watch my video on Patterns. This video consists of patterns I created, and "what comes next" pauses to allow myself and students to work together on understanding patterns
3.3.3. Apply: Students will complete the work sheet on Patterns
3.3.4. Method of Evaluation:
3.4. Resources
3.4.1. Smart board or projector, Manitoba Curriculum, ICT Continuum, Student Pattern Work Sheet.
3.4.2. myself and students. any EA's if deemed neccessary
4. Podcast
4.1. Objectives
4.1.1. Objective: Grade 8 Social Studies KI-015 Compare and contrast life in Sparta and Athens.
4.1.2. Objective: ICT: Cognitive Domain P-3.1 evaluates original inquiry questions and creates new questions for future inquiry
4.1.3. Objective: ICT: Affective Domain S-3.1 weighs society’s right to information access against right to individual privacy
4.2. Prerequisites
4.2.1. Students will be taught on how to use/make a podcast one lesson prior to this one, so when the final assignment is given they understand how to create their own podcast.
4.3. Notes
4.3.1. Activate: Students will listen to different Podcasts to understand how they should sound
4.3.2. Acquire: Students will research social roles, education, governance, and beliefs of a Sparta and Athens
4.3.3. Apply: Students will discuss their research findings in a Podcast
4.3.4. Method of Evaluation:
4.4. Resources
4.4.1. Manitoba Curriculum, ICT Continuum, Computers, Microphones, Recording Device