1. Equality of Opportunity
1.1. The Equality of Opportunity refers to many different things. It refers to race, gender, class, attainment, and students with special needs.
1.2. Students with special needs have many troubles with schooling. There are many controversies with this subject. As teachers we should provide these students, with love, and a good sound education.
1.3. Disability studies argue that the increase in the number of children with these disorders is a consequence of over-labeling, however near and cognitive scientists say that it is the result of better testing and diagnosis.
1.4. According to data reported by the Education Trust, the gaps between African Americans and Hispanics on one hand, and whites on the other have increased in reading and mathematics.
1.5. The academic achievement from students with different backgrounds is very important to the sociological research on education.
2. Curriculum and Peadagogy
2.1. The developmentalist curriculum is focused on the needs and interest of the student rather than the needs of society. This is one historical curriculum I would advocate.
2.1.1. Project specifications
2.1.2. End User requirements
2.1.3. Action points sign-off
2.2. I would also advocate on the sociological curriculum theory, that the curriculum should concentrate on the function of what is taught in the schools.
3. Philosophy of Education
3.1. Many philosophers ask very abstract questions that are not easily answered.
3.2. Key Researchers-These are just some of the people that researched the philosophy of education: Plato, St. Augustine, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, and George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Dewey, Jean-Jacques Rosseau.
3.3. Goal of Education-I believe the goal of education is for teachers to encourage students to search for the truth, in questions, and their daily life situations, and curriculum. I also believe the goal of education, is to provide students with the best possible education experience, and knowledge. So that they may then continue, to yearn to continue education for themselves.
3.4. Role of the Teacher-I believe the role of the teacher is to analyze and discuss ideas with students in order for them to move to new levels of awareness so that they can ultimately be transformed.
3.5. Methods of Instruction-Dewey said that children typically can learn individually and in groups. He also proposed the methods of instruction known as problem solving and inquiry method.
3.6. Curriculum- Integrated curriculum is Dewey's notion of a core curriculum.
4. Educational Reform
4.1. School Based Reforms as talked about in the book have to do with school choice, charter schools, and tuition vouchers
4.2. Charter schools are becoming more common each year. They produce very good test scores. They argue that they produce a more affective and effluence alternative for low-income children, especially in urban areas.
4.3. Societal, Community, Economic and Political Reforms all affect schools!
4.4. This includes state takeovers, state intervention, low income, high-minority are some of the different types of reforms.
4.5. A successful school reform according to research shows that school reform must be based on a number of essential supports: 1. leadership as the driver for change 2. parent-community ties 3. professional capacity 4. student-centered learning climate 5. instructional guidance
4.6. Harlem Children's Zone talks about an all black community, that goes on to talk about the social and academic challenges faced. As a result, Geoffrey Canada wanted to ensure that other African-American students were prepared.
5. Politics of Education
5.1. Conservative
5.2. Progressive
5.2.1. Ronald Reagan is just one of the few that helped influence my views on the Politics in Education
5.2.2. The conservative believes that the role of the school is to provide the necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented and hard working individuals receive the tools necessary to maximize economic and social productivity
5.2.3. The Reagan philosophy stressed individual initiative and portrayed the individual as the only one capable of solving his or her own problems
6. History of U.S. Education
6.1. People that influenced these decisions
6.1.1. G. Stanley Hall- sometimes referred to as the "Darwin of the mind"
6.1.2. John Dewey- advocated the creation of a curriculum that would interest children and their developmental level
6.1.3. Edward L. Thorndike- emphasized on the organism's response to its environment
6.1.4. Franklin Bobbit- he was an educational reformer, he said the purpose of curriculum design was to create a curriculum that would include the full range of human experiences and prepare students for life
6.2. Schools today are undergoing a transformation because of rapidly changing technology, lifestyles, and immigrants
7. Sociology of Education
7.1. Sociology relates to Education because it gives teachers insight that you can use and observe in studying education
7.1.1. Dependencies
7.1.2. Milestones
7.2. There are different effects on schooling individuals here are some that I feel impact students the most
7.2.1. Teacher Behavior
7.2.2. Education and Mobility
7.2.3. Employment
7.2.4. Knowledge and Attitudes