Web Idea- Create your Ultimate Cosplay

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Web Idea- Create your Ultimate Cosplay by Mind Map: Web Idea- Create your Ultimate Cosplay

1. Ways to support

1.1. This page will have ways for which customers can support the company through donations, but also it should have a blog portion so people can show of Cosplays and give feed back about products and improvements which can be made to the site.

1.1.1. I intend to put a review system on this page or survey system and also a digital tip jar maybe. A Google form may be nice for this.

2. Meet in Person

2.1. This page will give personal meet up dates at Cosplay events, which I will be attending, so just incase your at an event and your Cosplay starts falling apart, I may have what you need to fix it. Also if you just want to meet me thats always fine too.

2.1.1. For this page I intend to create a chart with locations and dates of events where I will be Cosplaying .

3. Tagline- Make Fantasy a Reality!

4. Home

4.1. This page is going to contain my tagline and sales pitch. The goal of this page is to be entertaining and eye catching so viewers of my page will try to buy my products off of it. It also will sorta be an introduction of what Cosplay is for those who are interested in starting to Cosplay.

4.1.1. Logo will be on this page.

4.1.2. Their will be some photo editing on all of my pages but their will be major focus on that for this page.

5. Products

5.1. This page will give detailed information about the tools or products needed to create an ultimate Cosplay. The main goal of this site is to give people with artistic skill the ability to obtain what is needed to create a Cosplay.

5.1.1. I intend to add some sort of chart system which lists all of the products offered, with prices, uses and reviews.

6. Contacts

6.1. This page will contain my contact information, and how to contact me about special requests or orders.

6.1.1. This will contain some social media information.

7. What we are about

7.1. This page will include the goals of my site and business idea. It will also give some background about my love for fantasy and more importantly Cosplay.

8. Previous works

8.1. This page will contain photos or even videos of works which have been created using the products offered on the cite and how an average person could create similar Cosplays.

8.1.1. Video Project- I hope to create a video complanation of photos of Cosplays designed and created using these products.